Sunday, September 19, 2010


(Arlington, WA) Friday morning the guy came to pick up the ten or so piles of brush. Even without Boogie's help, he managed to move the machine around to get all the stuff.

Picking up.

Going over dump truck.

Drop the load then push it down.

I couldn't believe it took them two full days to take away all the branches. That was a lot of blackberry bushes!!

We took off for the an agility trial on Friday afternoon at Argus Ranch.

It was a great weekend. All the dogs did super. I think we were most impressed with Boogie. He was running just about as fast as ever. Personally, I don't care that he didn't Q every run - although he did Q in most - I am just happy to see that he his having a blast and zooming around the course.

Mike made the comment, you could change his breed on the score sheet to read Border Collie and no one would blink an eye. His YPS was amazing! (Yards per second.) In every run, he had the second or third fastest time of ALL elite dogs....even with those tiny little legs of his.

Here's his secret. First, he runs fast. But where he catches those Border Collies (and Sparkie's) is that he is learning to really take great lines. No wide turns or missteps. He is very efficient.

This weekend Boogie earned his Superior Elite Regular and Superior Elite Touch N Go titles.

2iggie is really building up her confidence and it is showing in her increased speed. She is still making one tiny boo boo in many of her runs but she once she fixes that, she'll be a dynamo. For some reason, she'll go around one jump per run....hmmm.

But she did earn her Novice Tunnelers and Outstanding Novice Hoopers titles.

Once again everyone had a fun time - we can tell because they all pouted when we started packing up to leave.

Friday, two of Boogie's puppies went to their new homes. Norman (the only boy) didn't have far to go as he will be living in Seattle.

But one of the little girls had quite a journey.  She flew all the way to Boca Raton, FL.  The person went to the regular airport to pick her up but it turns out the puppy went into the cargo airport.  So a policeman  escorted the lady to the cargo airport....only to find out it had moved.

When she finally found the puppy, the workers had taken it out of its crate and given it water and were playing with it.  How nice was that. So as you might guess, the puppy's name is Journey. How cute is that!

She went straight from the airport to the beach.

Wow, what a difference two weeks makes. She looks like a real dog!  She was just a wobbly romping puppy two weeks ago.  This pup is following in Boogie's footsteps. He too went to the beach right away as we spent his first three weeks on the beach....but on the Oregon coast...not on the nice warm beaches of Florida!


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