Friday, February 05, 2010

Oh Brother!

One of the things I enjoyed most in the past couple years was the opportunity to meet both of Boogie's brothers....littermates.

We were going to be attending a NADAC trial in Westminster, CO last May. I didn't know what cities Boogie's brother lived but I knew they lived in Colorado. So I contacted each family to see if they would be interested in meeting at the trial. I knew one brother, Stevie Ray, did agility so I was hoping maybe they would come and compete as well. How fun would that be!

To my great delight, both brothers were able to make it. We immediately all got along so well and spent a lot of time talking about each of our dogs. They all have so much in common....especially Stevie Ray and Boogie. They are like two peas in a pod. They have so many behaviors, likes, dislikes, and personality traits the same. They even look so much alike - and both love their agility!

From left to right are: Debbie & Boogie, Martie & Stevie Ray, Jim & Rowdy.

And here they are in a side view!

After posing for pictures, Mike decided they all needed a treat for being so good. They all thought that was a great idea and sat like little angels - each waiting very politely for their turn as Mike went around in order giving them treats. They loved that game and were very sad when Mike ran out of cheese. Can you tell which one is Boogie?

I'm so glad we all got to meet. What nice people and nice dogs. Jim and Martie are both so very nice. Martie and I have become good friends and keep in touch regularly comparing notes about our LBD's (in Border Terrier circles that's know as "little brown dogs"). Who knew when I starting planning the get-together that I'd gain two more doggy family members and a good friend.


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