Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

(Phoenix, AZ) We would like to wish each and every one of you a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Like you I'm sure, we have many things to be thankful for. It seems as we, as humans, tend to focus on the things that are going wrong or have gone wrong in our lives. But if we just stop and think for a minute, there are so many things to be thankful for. I won't bother you with the list of all the things we're thankful for.

I will say though that most of all we are thankful for the love our family and friends, and good health. I know what many of you are thinking....but my health could be worse. I'm so thankful that I can see, hear, taste, touch, smell, move, walk (most of the time), etc. I try really hard to focus on the good.

Speaking of the love of family and friends. We got an e-card from some good friends, phone calls and e-mails from many friends and family, and got invited out to dinner by another friend so that we wouldn't be alone on Thanksgiving. All of this made us feel very loved.

Our friend, Billie, and her mom go out for Thanksgiving dinner together each year and they invited us to go with them. We thought that was very nice that they would include us in their special time together. We went to a very nice steak house for dinner called Carver's. They had a special Thanksgiving dinner that included turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and cranberry sauce. It didn't include pumpkin pie but that was fine as none of use had room for that anyway. So a huge thank you to Billie and her mom for including us in their Thanksgiving celebration.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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