Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Losing Streak

(Tucson/Phoenix, AZ) Today was moving day. The last couple of years we've spent a couple months in the same spot. It's really nice to have some time when we just stay put for a while. Moving every few days is really a lot of work. Unfortunately, this year, staying put just isn't happening.

Before we left, Mike took all four dogs to the park I told you about the other day for a short walk. Having all four on leash (just 6' leashes) was turning out to be very unpleasant as they were always getting tangled. So Mike let Wazzu off leash as she's pretty good at staying right next to you.....unless she sees a rabbit!!

Well, Wazzu indeed saw a rabbit and off she went. Of course, Sparkie and Slugger wanted to help with the chase. Sparkie stopped immediately when Mike told her to, but Slugger went into cart pulling mode in the rocks. He lost the pulling battle and also lost some of the pad on his front foot and was bleeding pretty good. Fortunately Boogie doesn't really understand rabbits yet so he didn't go into a frenzy. This is why it's hard for Mike to take all the dogs when more than two need to be on leash. But other than that one little incident the walk was very nice.

We then drove from Tucson to Phoenix and arrived at Billie's house in the mid-afternoon. Boogie sure remembers this place! It's the place with agility equipment, mice, and Aunt Billie who he really loves.

Boogie and I practiced a little bit of agility. He amazes me at how many things he can do. I sure hope I can keep teaching him enough things....and teach him correctly!

In the evening, Mike and Sparkie were heading out to a fun match when Mike noticed that Sparkie's leash was nowhere to be found. He looked everywhere...a few times over. This was a very special leash. I bought it off the internet when we first got Sparkie. After six full years of use it still looks brand new. And that's saying a lot as Sparkie gnaws on it and tugs on it all the time. I've looked all over the internet for hours (recently when we decided we'd like to have a spare) but have been unable to find anything like it. It would have been better to have lost the car keys and found the leash! We can get new car keys made but we can't find a leash like Sparkie's anywhere! She may not be able to do agility ever again!!

They went to the fun run but were so out of it without their leash. At the fun run they got a few tries at the Finals course from the USDAA Nationals. Sparkie did really well and of course had a great time.


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