Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Top of the World

(Las Cruces, NM) We discovered White Sands National Park a couple years ago – although if Mike could see out through his mommy’s tummy he actually saw the park over 50 years ago. Oooh, that seems weird in writing – 50 years, that's half a century! Oops, I digress….badly.

The dogs love it there so we took a little field trip to see what Boogie thought about it. Interestingly enough, the weather has been totally different each time we’ve been here. Our first time was so windy we couldn’t see the dogs at the end of the leash – truly. The second time was windy but we could see the trail markers if we really concentrated hard. The third time, there were still spots that were flooded from the very unusually wet winter. That was the dogs favorite time as they could zoom down the dunes and then splash through the water.

Today was clear, sunny, dry, and no wind at all which made for a very hot day…and we were there fairly early. I thought since Boogie had just been stripped he wouldn’t get so hot – but that didn’t seem to be the case.

If you go to the backcountry of White Sands there is a marked trail through the dunes. And believe me, you need to follow the trail markers which you can see here with the orange tops... once you get out in the dunes it is extremely easy to get lost since it is just a sea of dunes no matter which way you look.

Boogie checked out the trail markers right away so he’d know the correct way to go.

Then he had some playing with Wazzu to do.

After wearing Wazzu and Slugger out...

...Boogie then tried to keep up with Sparkie.

You can sure tell how hard Sparkie is trying.

And how much fun she is having.

What a funny look on her face!

Sparkie had fun playing on the dunes with the dogs but I think she enjoyed running up the dunes with Mike even more.

When we go hiking, Boogie is a perfect little boy and stays right on the trail. But here there was no visible trail. You truly have to follow the markers. Since there was no trail, he just ran all over the place with the other dogs. He got much farther away from me here than he ever does on a normal hike. But he was good and never got out of my sight. I sure hope he stays this good as he grows up.

The big dogs remembered this place right away and off they went. They chased each other up and down the dunes and had a great time.

Boogie ran up and down the dunes for a little bit but he spent most of his time digging troughs and then lying down in them.

He'd rest there until we were a ways ahead of him and he’d come running to us just as fast as his little legs would take him. Then he’d dig a trough and down he’d go again. I really think he got hot from all the digging, not the sun!

We had to stop for water breaks often as there was no shade to be had anywhere.

Boogie’s nose was so sandy that I think he got more sand in the water bowl than water in his mouth. But he didn’t seem to care – he was a happy little boy.

Slugger stayed really close after the first 15 minutes or so as he was too hot to wander off. He had a big smile the whole time – but this was definitely a “hot” smile.

Running up the dunes was hard work and since it was so hot we only had Slugger do it one time. He was a gamer and gave it everything he had. You can see how hard he had to work to make it up.

After that big climb, Slugger needed a break. So Mike took a little break with him until he had caught his breath a bit.

Slugger couldn't quite make it up one dune that was along the trail and he just plopped down.

The dune was steep and after a couple minutes he was about ten feet farther down the dune. I don't even think he realized that he had moved.

With the dogs hot and wearing down a bit, I finally had some time to take some pictures of the beautiful scenery. Most of the time it was just a sea of beautiful white sand dunes. But there were two formations we came across that were very interesting. One looked like a little volcano.

The other looked like stump with white sand all over it. Of course it's not a stump as there are no trees out here at all.

In the middle of all this white, I think your mind can go to places it doesn't normally go. For instance, when I saw this I thought "this must be what a golf divot looks like to an ant."

As we continued along, we came across this tiny little dune.

Boogie decided this was a perfect place to make a little ledge. He dug and dug and just as he was ready to lie down, Slugger dashed over and plopped down in the nice little ledge Boogie had created.

Boogie was totally okay with that and just went to work creating another ledge next to the original one and took a seat.

After a couple minutes he was just too hot and plopped down in the sand.

I don't know why, but he didn't seem to mind sand in his nose.

He was lying down with his chin on the sand when Slugger stood up. This caused the sand to go over his nose - but he didn't move.

Every time he would breathe out, the sand would spray up into the air. It looked so funny. We wondered how he could breathe at all under all that sand!

The dogs may have been hot but they still felt on top of the world - and at times it looked like they really were.

While watching the others climb to the top of the world, I was noticing the different sand designs on the dunes.

This looks like a river flowing through the dunes - but it's not. It's just a flat spot.

Here are some shots of the dogs enjoying the scenery. Slugger enjoyed the scenery at a slow meandering pace.

Sparkie did it at a much faster pace....and farther away.

Boogie enjoyed the scenery while lying down.

We decided the dogs were too hot to make the entire loop and we weren't even half way around yet so we turned to head back. We were just about back when Boogie decided to make another trench....his best ever! He dug and dug throwing sand quite a long ways.

When he was finished he looked very comfortable - and quite the accomplished trench digger I must say!!

Even though the dogs were having a great time, we had other things to do today so it was time to head home.

The dogs all slept very well on the way back. And it’s a good thing Boogie did as his day wasn’t over.

When we got back it was time for the puppies to have some rat training. Harriet arrived with the rats and we got the tunnels set up on top of the ground. Boogie, his sister Mimi, and two other dogs got to participate in this little practice.

Boogie got to practice with a corner as that was his trouble spot at the test last month. Harriet held him at the start and he was very eager. He knew just what the game was. When Harriet let go, he was off like a shot.

When he got to the rat, he really worked it. He was much more aggressive than just a couple weeks ago. I think it was very helpuful that Meg moved the cage around rapidly. You work it Boogie!

To help Boogie develop a prey drive for the rats, they let him have his rat after he worked it in the cage for a while. The rat was really fiesty and bit Boogie as he picked it up. They said that was really good as it made Boogie mad and helped him want to go after the rat.

Boogie had a great turn and we could see that he is making lots of progress even in a short amount of time. He is a little greedy though as he wanted all the rest of the turns to be his turns too! But the other dogs certainly didn't want to give up their turns. They all had a great time.

Wazzu was really sad as she watched out the window. She didn't like the dogs hurting the rats. She wanted to come out and make friends with the rats. Guess she wouldn't do real well in this sport.

Phew, what a fun day for everyone! Boogie is one tuckered puppy.


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