Thursday, September 09, 2010

On Tippy Toes

(Woodinville, WA) Boogie loves Nose Work class.

Class has been meeting at a different place each week. Today we went to a supermarket.

Our first hide was in some shopping carts....although the dogs even had to figure that out.

Boogie searched low and high.

Hides that are just nose height for most dogs are well above Boogie's nose....even when he's on his tip toes.

Good job little guy. He found it very quickly and is now getting his reward.

Our second hide was on some pastry carts. Again, the dogs don't know that. They have to determine that on their own.

Again, as you can see, Boogie is not one dimensional. He not only searches down at his level but searches high as well.

As with the first hide, he found and indicated the scent very quickly.

The third hide was on the wall. Many dogs just kept searching the carts and racks over and over. Boogie blew by both those and went straight to the wall.

This hide was quite a bit above his head. Even on his tiptoes he couldn't begin to reach it, while the other dogs could easily reach it without even standing up. This should have been extremely tough for Boogie.

But somehow, he found it in under 60 seconds. Wow. Look straight above Boogie, just under the ledge and you'll see a small silver dot. That's where the scent is. Boogie stood just as tall as he possibly could and started crying and crying and clawing at the wall.

Boogie felt a little gypped today. Each of his turns lasted less than a minute while every other dog in class took eight to ten minutes for each hide. Boogie really showed them how it was done even though he had a huge height disadvantage.

The other dogs in his class are much taller dogs....lab, german shepherd, and pharaoh hound. Yet they had a much harder time. What a little rock star, Boogie.


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