Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bad Back

(Phoenix/Cottonwood, AZ) We got up bright and early this morning to get the dogs out to the polo field at 6:00 am for a nice little play time. Wazzu wasn't interested at all in playing but she did want to carry her tennis ball and just follow closely behind me the whole time. The others had fun chasing birds and chasing each other.

Everyone but Wazzu then had to stay in the RV and take a nap as we rushed over to Glendale (about 45 minutes away) for a vet appointment for Wazzu. We saw Dr. Tom - the vet that did the chiropractic appointment for her the other day. He wanted to see all her records and examine her to determine how we can best help her back as he says she is in quite a bit of pain.

After examining her and looking at her x-rays he came up with treatment plan. He gave her an injection of hyaluronic acid and Adequan. He also wanted to put her on Rimadyl. But we aren't comfortable with that at all. I put a call into our Valley Fever vet to see what she thinks. From what I know, Rimadyl can be very hard on the liver and suppresses the immune system. I think that could be disastrous for a Valley Fever dog. I'll do what I can for Wazzu but I'll never do anything without first doing research to make sure I know how it will affect all Wazzu's other conditions. I won't just take one vet's opinion - Wazzu is way too important for me to go on just one opinion.

After Wazzu's appointment we went back to the RV, packed up and left Westworld. A couple hours later we were back to Dead Horse State Park in Cottonwood. This time we chose to stay in a different area of the park. We are parked in an area called Quail Loop. It is down closer to the river and has trees around to provide some shade. Fortunately the trees aren't so tall as to block our satellite. Unfortunately the ground is very sloped and getting perfectly level doesn't seem to be possible. Arg.

The dogs all enjoyed getting into the river to cool down a bit. In fact, we can't walk out of the RV without Wazzu dragging us to the river. It's so funny how she likes water when it's her idea!

During the night many car alarms kept going off. I don't know if a person was trying to break into cars or if there was a coyote or something trying to find something to eat. But whatever the case, it was noisy well into the night.

Friday was just a leisurely day around the park. Mike took the dogs on hikes around the area. He was so excited to have one full day where he never had to get in the car and drive anywhere! I hadn't realized it but that doesn't happen very often at all.


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