Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mourning a Loss

Don't worry the dogs are all fine!!!

(Phoenix, AZ) This morning we got up early once again and had a nice play time out in the polo field. Boogie was having fun chasing the ball, the dogs, the birds, and me. Slugger and Sparkie were having a great time too chasing the ball. Wazzu however was just moping around. And when Sparkie came anywhere near her, she lit into her big time. Sparkie was totally surprised and backed away quickly looking very scared. Poor Sparkie. This has NEVER happened before so we thought something must have happened that we didn't see. But a couple minutes later Wazzu did it again. Very odd.

We were excited to go to Pischke's for breakfast but this time we called first to make sure they were open. They answered right away but said they wouldn't be open until 11:00am for lunch. I couldn't understand this as they've always been totally packed for breakfast and they served breakfast all day long. After quite a long discussion I found out the Pischke died this past year. The restaurant was then sold and for some reason, that I can't comprehend, they kept the name but changed the entire menu. They are no longer open for breakfast - and don't serve breakfast items at all. This was such disappointing news. Poor Pischke - and poor zillions of people that ate the best breakfast food every anywhere! So I just had Cheerios. What a letdown!

We then took Wazzu and Boogie to the pet store to get Boogie his very own harness. He thought the pet store was a very exciting place. They drop a lot of food on the floor under the racks so he had a lot of fun trying to call under the shelves. He also enjoyed looking at the hamsters, birds, fish, kitties, and snakes. How fun is that!

For lunch we took the whole family to In The Raw. When we drove into the parking lot, Slugger got all excited - he knew exactly where we were. What a memory! Phew, they are still in business. It's a place that serves all healthy food and drinks (like smoothies) for people and all natural treats and drinks for dogs.

Mike and the dogs sat out on the doggie porch while I went in to order all the food.
I ordered three doggie shakes as Wazzu doesn't always finish hers and Boogie certainly doesn't need a whole shake - although I'm certain he would drink a whole one. They gave me an extra little bowl that was the perfect size for Boogie.

Other than the size, the bowls are all the same - so very cute!

The shakes were quite a hit - in fact, they were pretty much done before I could even take a picture.

Boogie finished first and knows that Wazzu is a push over so he went over to help her.

We tried to get a picture with the dogs and their empty bowls but we couldn't get Boogie to stay (he kept checking to see if there were more shakes in the bowls). So Mike had to help hold Boogie.

Mike and I had the best smoothies we've ever had along with a very nummy smoked turkey sandwich. Of course, I couldn't leave without buying some doggie treats as well - which as you might imagine was just fine by them.

Slugger has always been afraid of the fire hydrant water fountain. But not Boogie. He thought it was the perfect drinking bowl. But when the wind changed so that the sprinkles were hitting him on the head he started punching the water! It was hilarious and many people were laughing at him. He didn't seem to notice though and just kept punching and punching. What a character!

As always, we then went for a walk around the little lake that the juice bar is located on.

There is a much bigger fountain in the lake than at the doggie bar.

Boogie was very intrigued by all the ducks on the lawn and wanted to go see each of them. Of course that just made them all go into the water. But he didn't care, it's all fun!

Mike was fascinated by the birds too....although he didn't chase them! The first one we saw was American Coot.

Then we came noticed this bird (that we don't know what it is) fly in and land.

Before Boogie had a chance to scare it away we saw some a Black Crowned Night Heron.

These guys totally ignored Boogie and just floated around oblivious to puppy play.

Wazzu had trouble ignoring puppy play. Every time she tries to roll on her back Boogie charges.

The dogs didn't want to leave as it was very pleasant here by the lake (it was really hot during the day in the RV). Slugger spent his time just standing in the lake looking around while the other three played in the grass.

After a while they all just watched the lake waiting for Slugger to get tired of standing in the water.

After dropping Sparkie and Slugger off at the RV we went over to Billie's house as she was having the area's favorite chiropractor there. He looked at Wazzu and within only 15 seconds said that her lower back was super tight. He adjusted her for a few seconds but didn't think he should do too much as he didn't want to hurt her. He wants to see her in the office and do a complete physical. He thinks she needs some injections in addition to those she is already getting, thinks she needs weekly chiropractic adjustments, needs to be put on Rimadyl, needs some other supplements, and on and on. I won't go into everything but due to some things he said I'm very leery. Against my gut feeling, we will be going to his office Thursday morning for an appointment. We'll see what happens.

We then went out to the backyard so that Boogie could practice his agility a little. I was worried that all he'd want to do is look around for mice. But he ran straight to the agility field barking and jumping around.

And I don't know if the adjustment helped so quickly but Wazzu's eyes were bright and happy and she was so playful. She ran around with Boogie and was taking tunnels here and there and zooming around extremely happy. We haven't seen her like this in quite some time.

Boogie picked up right where he left off a few days ago. He was weaving accurately and fast, was doing tunnel entrances from many angles and coming out faster than he went in. He was finding the dog walk from many different angles perfectly almost every time. And he was doing larger pinwheels nicely too. But the best thing is that he loves it. I hope he keeps his speed as he is one fast (and loud) pup. We wanted another Sparkie and in many ways Boogie is so much like her. It will be interesting to see how he matures - although I hope he stays a puppy for a very long time. Heck, Sparkie is closing in on eight and she still acts like a puppy quite often.

Puppies are great most of the time. Tonight I had to do some impromptu laundry and take an extra shower. Mike took all four dogs out for their late night potty walk. As always, Boogie came running back to the bedroom and jumped up on the bed and started greeting me like a wild mania. The top of his head felt wet but he was wiggling around so fast I couldn't figure out what was going on. A couple minutes later I yelled out to Mike and asked if they ran through a sprinkler or hose while they were out. Nope - but one of the dogs did piddle on Boogie's head! Yuck. My pillow stunk, my hand and arms stunk as did my hair.

Bedtime is going to be much later than I thought!


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