It really is beautiful here.

While it's very pretty here, we don't feel very welcome. When Mike called to make the reservations he told them we had four dogs. When he checked in he was given a receipt and information about the area. We hadn't even gotten all set up yet when someone knocked on our door.
They asked how many dogs we had and we told them four. The lady then informed us that they have a limit of two dogs and they have breed restrictions. After some discussion they said we could stay but they made us sign papers saying we know we are only allowed two dogs and no dogs of certain breeds. Huh?! The lady then told us we couldn't walk Slugger in the park and we couldn't walk more than two at a time.
After the lady left, I just happened to be looking at the computer generated receipt. Right on it, it states that we have two people and four dogs. If they have a limit, you'd think they would have mentioned it when we made our reservations.
Mike then took two dogs out for a walk. While he was walking he overheard one of the workers saying: "The guy told me when he checked in that he'd left his dogs at home...but I saw them through the window as he was driving away to his spot." That really made Mike mad as he never said he left the dogs at home....we don't even have a home!
I looked at their ads in the book, at their website, and at the papers they gave us at check-in...nowhere does it say anything about breed restrictions or a limit of two dogs. These people are not all together!
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