Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Big Change

This morning we woke up to a very soggy but at least not stormy day. Fortunately we leave here today! Originally we had thought we’d get an early start today but the dogs had been stuck in the RV almost the entire day yesterday and we have two long driving days ahead of us so we decided to take a nice walk around the property this morning.

Well that would have been a good idea had we had hip boots. The good thing about it being so wet and muddy was that there was no one else around. So the girls got to be off leash the entire time. And they both took advantage of it big time. We don’t know for sure what they thought they found (probably an Armadillo) but they seemed to have thought they had it “contained” to a half acre area. There was a large trail around that area and Sparkie must have circled the area at full speed at least 20 or 30 laps. Perfect – we needed her to get some of her energy out.

Later on Wazzu must have found a deer trail as she disappeared and didn’t return for quite some time. She must have run a long way as when she did come back she had a huge tongue. She never left my side the rest of the walk. Sparkie however got busy following her nose and lost track of where we were. A while later we saw her zooming back and forth way ahead of us. She was definitely looking for us. Since she couldn’t find us she went zooming back down the circular loop we were on at full out speed – but she went the opposite direction from us. It was a very large loop and even at full speed it took her three or four minutes to get back to us. Great! Another big run to help wear her out!

Even though Slugger was on leash the entire time his morning wasn’t without excitement. He came across a Crawdad. Turns out Crawdads don’t really like to be nose nudged by cute little doggies. Suddenly Slugger is jumping around with a Crawdad stuck to his nose. Slugger was more than happy to have Mike help him get free.

The river was anywhere from 10-40’ higher (depending on the spot) than it had been when we arrived. It had been a very calm river but now it was anything but calm. Here you can see the water rushing around a large tree.

This spot was only about 8-10’ wide the day we got here. As you can see it is MUCH winder now.

This next shot is the same spot I took a picture the first day we were here. The angle is a little different though as the first day I was standing to the left of the trees that you now see in the right side of the picture with water all the way around them.

After a very fun morning walk we got out of this very wet and stormy area. It rained on us all morning but by afternoon we hit the desert. What a change! It was now in the 90’s and as clear as could be. The road smoothed out and became almost completely straight. Not the most scenic drive for Mike but he is a happy little driver now that he has his Sirius Satellite Radio to keep him company – along with his little Navigator (aka Slugger), of course.

It is a long way across western Texas. We drove and drove and drove some more and are still out in the middle of nothing. There is only one RV campground in about a 400 mile stretch and everyone sure takes advantage of it. I’ve never seen such a thing. The people that own this campground must be rich! I’m sure land is very inexpensive out here – it’s just desert land with nothing around for pretty much ever!

Anyway, they have 80 sites. By about 8:00pm every spot was full. And from what we could tell, it doesn’t look like anyone stays more than one night. When we pulled in there was a line of about eight RV’s waiting to check in. It was a steady stream of RV’s all evening.

They had a trail, called Six Shooter Trail, that was listed as two and a half miles that goes around in the desert from the campground.

I don’t know that it was really that long but it was long enough that the dogs could stretch their legs a bit. Even though we were out in the desert we were next to the freeway so we didn’t want to chance letting the girls off leash in case they found a rabbit to chase.

As you can see, the trail just goes straight out into the desert.

And this is pretty much all you see in any direction with the exception of the freeway on one side.

Wazzu thinks it is way too hot here. She and my computer would both like to go live in Alaska. I just got my computer fixed three and a half months ago and it is already on the blink again. In cooler weather it will stay on about two to three hours. In hot weather I have about 10 minutes to try to read my email – certainly not enough time to do the blog or all the other tasks I have to do. So right now I can only be on my computer very very late at night or very early in the morning. Argg. Silly computers, they are nice when they work but so frustrating when they don’t.


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