Sunday, March 25, 2007

NATCH Sisters

This weekend we were at a trial at Paradise Valley Park in North Phoenix. It’s a great trial because the people are very friendly and we know a lot of them from the NADAC Championships each year. We’ve made a lot of really good friends here – including the people that are in charge of this particular trial. We met them many years ago at the Championships and have stayed in touch ever since. And it is really fun for Mike and Sparkie as there is a LOT of competition here. The only time Sparkie has had much competition is in Phoenix and the PNW. There are some really great dogs and trainers here. No 1st’s for Sparkie here! She came in just behind two of the dogs that beat her at the Championships the last few years. But she is right on their tails. The best thing is that the handlers for those dogs are such nice people that we really enjoy seeing them.

Wazzu was still a little bit sick and it was really hot so we had a bit of a mixed weekend. Saturday started out relatively cool. And our weekend started out great. After the first couple hours we had five runs between the three dogs. Wazzu and Sparkie both Q’d in their two Regular runs and Slugger Q’d in his Jumpers run earning his Novice Jumpers title. How fun is that!

Oh, and on the first Regular run Sparkie ran an absolutely perfect run and earned her NATCH-8! What a team. We are so proud of Sparkie. Waiting at the start line is the hardest part but Sparkie was perfect.

When signaled she took off like a shot.

But then things changed. It was time for the girls to do Jumpers. Wazzu did a beautiful run and she was really fast. I was so proud of her. We were out in the field celebrating when Mike came by and said “great run, too bad about the bar.” WHAT? Turns out we had knocked a bar that I never saw. One of our instructors used to say that if you’re dog knocked a bar and you didn’t see it that’s probably why it was knocked. Well, bummer! Then Sparkie ran and had a beautiful run. As she was doing the last three jumps she dropped a bar – that is so rare. We’re not sure why she knocked it. Oh well, it was still a beautiful run.

Then came Touch N Go. Only problem was they changed the order and we didn’t hear about it so we missed the walk-thru. Fortunately we had time to watch a few dogs run so we could learn the course. It's not the same as getting to walk it but it's better than nothing. Wazzu and I ended up doing fantastic (coming in 2nd in the 20+ class!!!!!) but Mike and Sparkie had an off course.

Wazzu slowed down as it got hotter and it was hard to get her moving. We barely made time in Tunnelers – Sparkie did great! Little Slugger got distracted (this was a REALLY hard place for him as there was so many distractions) and was overtime. But he looked really cute at the start line.

Then there was just Chances left – same course as we ran last weekend which both the girls did fine. Sparkie made it no problem. Wazzu was going for her NATCH and Susan Perry was the judge so I really wanted to get it since Susan is the one that really helped Wazzu and I with distance. Wazzu did it fine (after a bit of “discussion”) but I wasn’t able to get on the correct side of the line in time. Wazzu wouldn’t go out at one point so I had to take a couple steps on the other side of the line – which was okay as long as you got back before the dog took off for the jump. I was about a half step too slow. Shucks.

Sunday was HOT HOT HOT and Wazzu wasn’t feeling well from the minute we got out of bed. The first run of the day we had to quit as Wazzu absolutely wouldn’t run. Sparkie had an off course. So not quite the good start of yesterday. TeeHee. The second Regular run both girls Q’d. Sparkie was actually beautiful. Wazzu started out walking at best. But after a few obstacles I was able to do a front cross which seemed to perk her up a bit. We weren’t speedy but we did just make time. Touch N Go was next – Mike and I were there to walk it today! – and both girls Q’d with Sparkie coming in 3rd and Wazzu being the last dog that Q’d – just making time.

Now it’s the heat of the day and it’s time for Weavers. Oh goody. Sparkie of course was awesome. Wazzu started fair but coming out of the 3rd tunnel a bee went after her. Needless to say, chasing the bee slowed her down quite a bit putting her almost five seconds over time. Novice Weavers was even later and now it’s mid afternoon and really hot. In addition, Slugger was bored as he hadn’t done anything all day. He tried but he was slow in Weavers and had trouble concentrating so missed a couple weaves. Oh well. Here he does he weaves correctly - but a little slow.

Late in the day Wazzu had another chance at Chances for her NATCH. So I got her all wet and got out a smorgasbord of super high value food to get her excited. It worked!!! Wazzu was fast and perfect thus earning her NATCH-7! Susan Perry had been watching and came over from her ring to congratulate us. How nice was that!! That was so special for us. Susan is just so nice!

Sparkie was perfect in Chances as well. That only left Jumpers. Wazzu was trying and was actually pretty fast but in the middle she got confused by a rear cross I tried which pulled her off the jump and it took us time to get back on track. Nice run but we were .05 overtime! Big Bummer.

Then came Sparkie. This Jumpers run had a box and it was hard. But Mike decided to give it a try. Sparkie was amazing. Mike stayed in the box and Sparkie just did everything he said without even the smallest boggle or hesitation – it really was beautiful.

After the box part was done the handlers could leave to do the last couple obstacles – which were a hard switch to the left with an off course jump on either side. Darn – Mike didn’t give her a strong enough switch and she took the off course jump. But Mike didn’t care one bit. He was ecstatic! It really was a run of beauty and she did some really hard complicated stuff. I am so proud of her and am so impressed. People can say what they want about mixes – but this is one amazing mix we have on our hands. I will forever be proud of this run. Imagine if she and Mike actually got to train and/or practice!

Little slugger didn’t get to run until after 4:00 and it was hot and he had gotten very scared just before his run. So he didn’t Q but he did stay on course. If you look closely you can see the little guys tongue hanging way out the side of his mouth.

We all had such a great weekend as everyone really made us feel so welcome. The people and the dogs here are so great. And the weather is great too. In addition, Mike and I met when we each lived in Phoenix. We'd love to have a place here but that certainly won't happen as we just don't feel good about subjecting the dogs to Valley Fever that much.

As we were resting this evening Slugger was so cute. Mike was having his normal evening snack. Slugger was too tired to sit up for a bite so he just put his front paws up on the couch as he continued to lie on his pillow.

Just too cute!

Time to give the NATCH sisters a well deserved treat.


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