Friday, March 16, 2007

Full Circle

We've returned to the exact spot we were exactly one year ago. And we headed back to one of our favorite hikes - Soledad Canyon. So those of you that have been following our adventures for at least a year may recognize the area.

This morning we took a long three and a half hour hike. When we started the sun was just coming over the mountains. In person this looked really cool but it was extremely hard to get a picture as we were looking directly into the sun. But the dark cylindrical part of the mountain is actually a shadow.

The trail was rocky and the surrounding area was rocky and full of various stickers and cactus.

Slugger was on leash most of the time so he seemed fine.

Sparkie was being her normal self and running laps (zig zaggy laps) around us the whole time – you know the energizer bunny.

Wazzu and I were being slow pokes so while waiting for us to catch up, Mike and the two youngsters went off trail and climbed up the side of the mountain. You probably can't see them but they are up at the point of the rocks in the middle of the picture.

When we got to this small canyon area we let Slugger off leash as there was no where he could run away to. There is a nice waterfall here although there isn't much water this time of year. But it was enough that the dogs could like the rocks to get a drink. I was surprised they could figure that out but all thee of them got it right away.

Again it was rocky and since Slugger was happy and off leash he thought it would be fun to play his run from the girls game. They obliged of course. We tried to stop them as it really wasn’t safe to play smash puppy on these sharp rocks.

Once again, Mike and the youngsters decided to do a little off trail adventure and this time did some rock climbing.

Here is Slugger looking down and out at the scenery.

We got out of there and back to the normal hiking. When we were about 3/4 the way back Mike and I commented that Wazzu had really paced herself and hadn’t done any running around and just stayed on the trail walking and trotting near me the whole time. We were saying this was good as we didn’t want her too tired for the weekend. It truly wasn’t one minute after that conversation that Wazzu flushed out a bunny. Sparkie was off doing her thing and didn’t notice the bunny. Slugger was on leash and was going nuts! Wazzu chased the rabbit a long ways away when the rabbit turned around and was running back our way. The silly rabbit ran right toward us – including a screaming Slugger. The rabbit didn’t turn until it was literraly two feet in front of Mike, Slugger, and I. I’ll tell you I was looking for a place to hide as I was sure Wazzu and the rabbit were going to run right into me. I’m screaming for Sparkie to join the chase as I’d rather her get in a big run than Wazzu. But somehow she never saw Wazzu or the rabbit. Anyway, after the rabbit turned Wazzu chased it going full out speed probably about a half mile. Then she came running back. She was exhausted. So much for her pacing herself.

Then when we started up again, Wazzu held up her foot like there was a sticker. But before I could get to her she had held up each foot. Turned out she didn’t have stickers she had hurt two or three pads on each foot. But we still had quite a ways to go. So she just walked right beside me looking like an extremely old arthritic dog.

Meanwhile Sparkie is still zooming around when suddenly she holds up a paw. I go to get the sticker out (this happened at least 40 times) but this time I couldn’t see a sticker. Mike checked her too but we just couldn’t see anything. She continued on but with a slight limp. She was still running around flushing out birds but with a slight limp. When we were probably a quarter mile from the car Wazzu just couldn’t walk any more. So poor Mike had to pick her up and carry her to the car. That’s when he mentioned that this is why he wants a smaller dog. I guess he made his point!

By the time we got home at 12:30, Sparkie wouldn’t put any weight on her front left leg. It must have hurt all the time as she wouldn’t even get up at times she always gets up. And wouldn’t you know we have a trial the next morning. From the looks of it only Slugger will be running. How about that!! Even by the time we went to bed she still wouldn’t walk on that leg at all.

Well, we have a trial in the morning and as of now only one healthy dog. Let's hope we experience lots of healing overnight.


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