Saturday, May 12, 2007

Back Among Our Agility Friends

It was cool this morning when we got up. Typically a good sign for Wazzu. But what I think made the big difference today, even more than the weather, was that so many of her long-time friends (both human and dog) were here. And while she enjoyed seeing them all, I think she was most happy to see "Aunt Pat" - even before Pat brought out the home-cooked liver. But that definitely sealed the deal!

The first run of the day was Chances! That's really good for us since Wazzu tends to be fastest the first run on Saturday. While it looked tricky, I didn't think it was impossible. Well, I guess it was harder than I thought as out of the whole rather large Elite class only four dogs Q'd. Two of those dogs were the Mason girls!! It was like I really didn't need to be on the course with Wazzu as she took off like a flash and worked way far away with no intention of coming in to me at any point. It was so nice to have broken our long Chances drought.

The first Regular run both dogs took the same off course tunnel. Wazzu thought it was pretty funny and after that started being really silly. Even though it wasn't a Q we had a blast. I just love it when Wazzu starts laughing and thinking that she pulled something over on me. We had such a fun time! When Sparkie did her off course she suddenly realized it while she was in the tunnel and came back and peeked out the entrance with a scared look on her face. Mike convinced her all was fine and she finished perfectly and happy.

The second Regular run Wazzu wasn't blazing but she ran fast and flawless ending up with a 1st place Q. Sparkie was lightening fast - so fast that she did a completely different course than what was laid out. Oops.

Next was Wazzu's favorite class - Touch N Go. She took off like a flash and raced around the course with a huge smile on her face. Sparkie was the very next dog and she too zoomed around the course flawlessly. Mike was sure that Wazzu beat Sparkie - which I think has only happened two - possibly three times in their entire lives. It wasn't even close! Sparkie easily came in first place out of ALL the dogs and beat Wazzu by five seconds.

Jumpers was the next class. Wazzu once again left the start line like she was shot out of a cannon. Not only was she perfect but she was once again having a great time! She came in 1st place in her division and had the 2nd fastest time of any dog in any division! She was really cooking! Sparkie and Mike decided to try the box. They were beautiful! It really was a run of beauty. They completed the box and all they now had to do were the last two obstacles. Oh no - an off course. Poor Sparkie, she had tried so hard and gave Mike her everything. After the error, she got scared and was once again afraid to come out of the tunnel (that she wasn't supposed to be in). Too bad about the off-course as she was both blazing and beautiful.

The last run of the day was the newest class, Hoopers. In this run, Sparkie went just before Wazzu. Sparkie ran perfectly and had a blast. Wazzu immediately followed by running a perfect line and was really zooming around the course with the same smile she had all day. What a great way to end such a fun and happy day.

Poor Slugger had to spend the large majority of the day by himself locked in a crate. He was such a good boy. Even though he was crated so much of the day he was a happy boy as "Aunt Pat" and another one of his old time friends came by for a short visit. Oh he sure loves people!!

During the day, Wazzu and I spent a lot of time visiting friends we hadn't seen since last summer. I think Wazzu enjoyed it even more that I did. She was really sucking up to everyone. She really loved all the attention from her long lost friends.

After all the runs were finished for the day a bunch of people took their dogs out into the field to play. For the first time in a long time Wazzu was having fun playing with other dogs. She especially enjoyed playing with her old buddy, Quinn. But most of all she had fun playing crazy dog with me. She thought she was so funny - and she was.

After a quick playtime, a number of us went just a few miles down the road to Lynda King's house for pizza. It was so nice of Lynda to invite a bunch of us over for dinner. We all had a good time and then went back to feed our dogs and turn in early to get ready for another big day tomorrow.

Even though we've met super nice people and dogs all around the USA it's really nice to be home among all our friends. Just ask Wazzu!


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