Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy

(WA/OR) After a day of errands yesterday and a nice visit with my parents and my niece, Yumi, we headed out bright and early this morning. We drove 40 minutes north to Olympia to drop off Slugger and Sparkie as my parents were kind enough to babysit for the day. Mike, Wazzu, and I then drove three hours south down to Salem, OR to finally pick up our new little puppy that we've been waiting for since 18 months ago.

We'd spent at least 12 of those months trying to think of a name - although we'd called the puppy one name during that whole time - thanks to our good friend Pat!

After the first few hours with the puppy, he reminded me of Wazzu. Lots of self control and not very active. But Mike kept telling me that the puppy was just stressed. I don’t know why! He was just taken away from his mom and littermates, driven a hundred miles in a car, put on a plane for a long flight from New Mexio to Portland, OR, then driven 50 miles in the middle of the night, and then given away from the only person he knew to some strangers with a big (although calm) dog.

After finishing all the paperwork and getting some last few instructions we were ready to start our new adventure. We put him into his pretty new yellow crate for the long drive home. He dug at the door and cried for about 15 seconds and then he laid down and went sound asleep. But, of course, we can't go to Salem without stopping at our favorite pizza place!

Once again he was a good little boy and went right to sleep once we started driving again. Even though he was still sound asleep we stopped after about two hours for a little potty break. He's so good on leash already! After another 15 seconds of a soft little cry and pawing at the crate door, he went right to sleep for the remainder of the drive.

Then it was time to meet the rest of the gang! Sparkie wasn't at all interested - she just wanted to see her daddy. Slugger was wagging his whole body and pulling trying to get to see the puppy. But we made him calm down before letting the two boys meet each other.

The puppy then got a quick start on his socialization. He was a little unsure of big dogs but after the inital Slugger greeting all three dogs just ignored him. He then got to meet four more new people before he was put in an x-pen with a couple toys....and me.

We had decided a couple weeks ago to name the puppy “Boogie.” Then a day before we were to pick him up, Mike decided he didn’t really like that name at all. He liked Brillo - which is what we've been calling him for a year. So okay, Brillo it is. But the breeder had started calling the puppy “Boogie” about a week ago. When we got there to pick up the puppy, the breeder, Meg, was calling him Boogie. Suddenly Mike once again decides he likes the name Boogie. Fine with me, Boogie it is. So now I’m trying to call the puppy and absolutely no words come out of my mouth as I have no idea what his name is! The first thing that finally came out was Brillo. Oh my goodness. The breeders had told us a couple months ago to come up with a registered name – which we hadn’t totally done although we'd sure thought about it a lot. Meg said they had an idea - Sunkist’s Shake, Rattle, and Roll. Mike and I both absolutely loved it and decided the puppy would be called Boogie……or Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy…..which of course could be shortened to Brillo!!!! Ha ha.

Meet Boogie! Male, six pounds, 11 weeks old.


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