Saturday, July 21, 2007

New Lessons

(Olympia, WA) We spent the daytime at my parents house the last couple days. Of course the highlight was getting to see our niece, Asami. She arrived in the wee hours of the morning Friday.

We, okay so it was just me, have been teasing her about her new found British accent. It sounds so weird and seems a little fake - only because we have heard her speak "Amercian" all her life. So to suddenly hear her speak with this new accent just seems a little weird.

But getting to spend time with her these past two days has been fantastic. Oh how I wish she didn't have to go back. I don't know when she'll be able to come back here but until they make RV's that can travel across the ocean, we won't be able to go over to England to see her.

Boogie fell in love with Asami right away.

Saturday I decided that it was high time that Boogie learned to do stairs. It was quite a lot for that little brain to figure out. Boogie really wants to be with me but when I went down the stairs without him he was quite perplexed.

So I came just one step down and called him. It must look like a long way down for such a little guy.

After quite a bit of time and a number of treats he finally came down one step!

We thought we were on a roll as it looked like he was going to do the next step as well. But instead he turned around and went back to the top. He was a trooper though and didn't give up - he just started over. And eventually, he made it TWO steps!!

I was pretty sure he was going to make it no problem now! But wait. Now he decided he couldn't go up or down!

Eventually he decided that "up" was the safer of his two choices. Oh my. This could take a long time. But after a few more minutes he decided that this was no problem and away he went - just like an old pro.

Once he got it, he decided it was pretty fun and went up and down a few times. Oh my, the stairmaster for puppies, sure can tire a guy out.

We thought he might sleep for a couple hours. The kids (and adults) were anxious to play with him but we couldn't wake him up. I'd lift him up and try to stand him on his feet and he'd just plop down like jello. He slept the whole day.

But then we made the mistake of feeding him dinner! It's like putting rocket fuel in him. He was zooming around the RV growing and barking so much it was scaring the dogs. After quite some time he fuel wore off and he was ready for bed.

Today he had no middle ground, he was either sound asleep or a real terror....I mean terrier!


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