Sunday, July 04, 2010

Missing Picture...Read On

(Mt. Vernon) Have you ever heard the line in the song that says "Every picture tells a story don't it". Well, we're missing the picture that tells the story of today.

We made another morning drive to try our skill in the obedience ring. Unbelievably it was even colder today than yesterday. These pictures were taken just after noon and we are wearing more clothes than yesterday!

Even though today was the 4th of July, there were no fireworks during the test today. Seems backward to me....but who asked. Anyway, I thought that was a good sign for us. Not so soon....

The Utility class went first then Open then Novice. I don't know what happened in this ring but at one spot every dog in all three classes stopped to smell. Unfortunately, the heeling pattern went by this spot five times! Due to this, no Open or Utility dogs passed. Two Novice dogs passed (with super low scores) as the judge must have felt sorry for us Novice folks.

Today started out well for us, just like yesterday. I really am amazed at how well he heels most of the time. Once again he has his little head held so high trying to look up at me....

....until we got to that spot I was telling you about. You remember, the one where ALL the dogs stopped to sniff. Well only one dog then proceeded to ROLL in that spot. Yup, you guessed it....Boogie!

When I exited the ring, I asked Mike if he got a picture of the rolling and he said "No". What?! He said he had to turn away and cover his head with his jacket so that Boogie wouldn't hear him laughing. Somehow I don't think that would mattered one bit. But I would have liked to have the picture to show you all. Even though I had really wanted to pass today, I must admit I did think this was funny....only in the way that it was so typical of Boogie.

I remember a couple years ago I heard someone say "You have to have a sense of humor to try and do Obedience with a Border Terrier." Well, I must have a sense of humor because not only am I trying Obedience but I remember thinking how cute Boogie was while he rolled around on his back!

The figure eight exercise wasn't near "the spot" so he did perfectly. Can this be the same dog that was rolling on his back a minute ago? I wonder if he gets a sore neck looking up so much?

Since there were no fireworks, his recall today was perfect.

And he is perfect at his stand for exam. All that conformation showing paid off in regards to this exercise.

Now time for the long stays. I am totally confident here as he has never failed in practice or a test. Once again, perfect....and cute!

Hmmm, something is wrong with this picture.... can you figure out what?

One dog is sitting and one is in a down....unfortunately, this is the down stay exercise. Just twenty seconds before the three minutes was up, a big breeze came by. All the other dogs either ignored it or put their noses in the air to take a sniff. Boogie put his nose in the air but he just couldn't get a big whiff from so low down. So he had to sit to get a better smell. He never budged from his spot though. Oh Boogie, can't you wait 20 more seconds and then smell?

Oh well, there's always next time.

I wish that was the end of our day. Unfortunately, we had to suffer through about ten hours of being smack dab in the middle of a war zone. I'm actually thinking war zones probably aren't as loud as the fireworks were today.

It started early...especially at Shari's house. We couldn't get her dogs to go out to potty as they were petrified of all the banging and booming. So we spent time just lying on the floor behind the bed with Ozzie and under a desk with Slick.

Then we spent the rest of the day and evening trying to help our guys feel safe. They didn't feel safe. In fact, 2iggie and Slugger shook so hard it felt like I had one of those Magic Fingers machines in my bed. Some of the booms were so loud they actually shook the RV. Seems like it just gets worse each year.

Happy 4th.....but couldn't everyone just celebrate more quietly next year, please.


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