Friday, November 25, 2011

Taste of Perfection

Today was the first of three full days of agility.  We are at a trial in Phoenix, AZ.  Probably one of our most favorite trials of the year.  Mostly because every year it has been sunny and warm.... while our friends at home are doing agility in the ccccold and wet!

Besides the weather, another reason we enjoy this trial so much is the format.  I’m not sure the exact “real” term used but I think it’s called a two trial format....hmm, that doesn't sound quite right.

There are two rings.  Half the people entered are in group A while the other half is in group B.  While everyone is scored together, you don’t actually run with those in the opposite group.  Generally speaking, small dogs are in one group, and big dogs in the other group.  There is some crossover as people with multiple dogs are never split between groups.    As an example, we have both large and small dogs and we are in group A.  They do their best to make sure there are close to the same number of dogs in each group.
To help explain…..Regular round one will be set in ring one and regular round two will be set in ring two.  Then group A will run in ring one while group B runs in ring two.  When each group is done running in their ring, they switch.  It is really amazing how much this speeds up the day as well.  This trial always finishes faster than any other trial we attend.

There are many advantages to this system.  Main advantage….absolutely no conflicts for anyone!  This makes it easier on the handlers and easier to volunteer to work.   The disadvantage is you don’t see the runs from the people in the opposite group as much.  But you certainly can make the effort if there are dogs you really want to see.  

They always have a really well stocked hospitality tent as well.  In addition, they have a lunch vendor that typically has really good food.  Only problem was today he left so early.  Mike went over at 12:30 to get his lunch he earned for working and the guy and his set up were totally gone.  No announcement that he’d be leaving early or anything….at least not that Mike heard.  So no lunch for hardworking Mike.  He runs four dogs and still managed to work two classes before lunch…..and no lunch.  Too bad.

The dogs were really “on” today.  Boogie and Sparkie were each perfect going 6/6.  Wazzu was perfect going 1/1 (yeah, Wazzu!).  2iggie only managed three Q’s but she was blazing in all her runs and just had very minor errors in her other three runs.  But when she and Mike get their teamwork figured out a little better, they are going to be a force to be reckoned with!  2iggie is FAST!

2iggie had a great time.  She got to see many of her “childhood friends” as well as her former owner.  She seemed to remember all her old friends…..both human and dog.  Amazing what great memories dogs have.  I could sure use a bit of that trait!


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