Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Thankful Once Again

After Epcot, my parent went to Circque du Soleil so they had a really long day after their long long day of flying. It didn't faze Dad a bit so he and my brother got up early the next day and golfed 36 holes on both Saturday and Sunday.

I'm sure Mom could have done more but she rested and kept me company in the RV. Mike went out to do a few errands. In the mid afternoon I got a phone call from Mike. He informed us he would be late getting back as he had been involved in an accident.

He was stopped at a red light when someone from behind didn't stop and ran into him which then pushed Mike into the car in front of him. Fortunately Mike was fine although he said he got quite a jolt. We are just so thankful that neither I nor the dogs were in the car!

The car has damage but fortunately due to the tow package on both the front and the back it wasn't as bad as it could be. However, both the back bumper and the hatch door will have to be replaced. Fortunately, all three drivers are fine and the guy that caused the accident has insurance from a major carrier.

Now we just have to hope someone will be able to fix it in the timeframe we are going to be someplace as we don't stay put that much. Of course, we need them to fix it in a timely manner also as we have the inside of the car fixed up in a special way for both me and the dogs. Hopefully we'll find a rental car that can accommodate our needs.

But most of all we're just thankful that no one was hurt.


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