Thursday, September 06, 2007

Doggy Heaven

(Camano Island, WA) We just couldn't resist another opportunity to go to Camano. Since it's a three day weekend the hiking trails are usually a little bit more crowded anyway so there was no doubt where we would be headed today! As always, we had a great time.

It was a little more overcast than a couple days ago when we were here but the temperature was still very pleasant. And as you can see there was much more water in the slough.

And the water temperature must have still been warm as all the dogs were eager to swim....but still not quite so eager to dive!

Oh, he wanted the toy so bad! Even with much encouragement from Mike the poor little guy just couldn't bring himself to jump off the dock. He cried and cried and whimpered and whimpered but he just couldn't do it. I want to know how he stayed on the dock - look both his back feet are off the dock!

After a fun swimming time we took a walk down the dike. The dike trail you see to the left of the slough is where we walk.

The dike is lined on both sides with scads of blackberry bushes. This is the perfect time of year as the berries are so nice and ripe.

Even though these berries are big they have no seeds. I ate my whole way down the dike - I'm not sure I've ever had such sweet blackberries. And I wasn't the only the that ate their way down the dike. Sparkie has always picked various kinds of berries off bushes and eaten them. She found these berries to be especially tasty.

Boogie didn't want to miss out on something that might involve eating so he went to take a lesson. But we wasn't all that impressed so after a minute or so he moved on.

Sparkie and I were still eating berries when I glanced down the dike to see Boogie romping around, throwing something up in the air and then pouncing on it. Oh what does he have now! I figured it was probably a big clod of grass so I kept on eating berries. But as I watched and saw how much fun he was having playing with whatever he had I thought I'd better go check it out. As I approached he laid down with his toy.

When I got to him he was so proud to show me his new toy! I wasn't quite as excited about it he was.

What good little hunters we have. The girls each caught a mouse when we where here a couple days ago and now Boogie caught one. Who needs a cat! Here Sparkie shows off her great pointing stance.

On our way back down the dike I noticed this huge log floating down the slough.

The dogs always think "the bigger the stick the better." So I decided to make Slugger think this was a stick that we had thrown in the water for him. Little Slugger tried his best to get that "stick." But no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't get it. He just wouldn't give up - so we had to throw a ball in for him so he'd give up on his giant stick.

Here I was trying out my new lens to see what it can really do. So here you get a close up view of a weed! I can get much closer to close up things and still get them in focus even though this isn't a true macro lens. Okay, so next time I'll try it on something better than a weed!

Nothing bothers Boogie - he is one curious and courageous little puppy. He looked over the part of the diked that was shored up, walked the length of it, peered down and hopped along. It didn't scare him a bit but we were a little concerned. But it was no problem - he managed to maneuver it all just fine.

Slugger spent a fair amount of time rolling in the grass and dirt. But he doesn't just plop down he bashes himself into the ground really hard. We don't understand the point of this but he is quite determined. This time I think he was a little too vigorous as you can see by his face.

After a couple hours of pretty intense play we figured the dogs should be tired so we headed to the pond so the dogs could take one last dip to get cleaned off. Boogie had the toy so we had to get it from him first.

When we got it and threw it into the water, Slugger actually dove off the dock to get it! Then he didn't want anyone else to have it. He ran out into the middle of the big field and started running around with it. Mike chased him but couldn't catch him. So Mike called all the other dogs to come out and help cut Slugger off so he could get the toy back.

So much for the dogs being tired! They spent the next 25 minutes chasing Slugger around the field.

Even with all three dogs and Mike chasing him they couldn't get the toy. Right next to the field they were playing in there is a grass runway that is in the neighborhood of 600 yards long. The dogs were still trying to catch Slugger when suddenly a plane comes in to land on the runway. This scared Slugger big time and he dropped the toy and ran away. Now we finally know how to get a toy from Slugger!!

Now the dogs must be tired! I had to take one more shot of the beautiful scenery we got to enjoy during our time here today.


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