Wednesday, November 22, 2006


No, not the quacking kind. Duck as in lower your head!

We pulled in to Tickville...oh, I mean Jacksonville, FL and checked into Pecan Park RV Resort. I expected to see Pecan trees but no such luck. We hadn't been here more than two minutes before it was clear that we were near the air force base. And my, a busy air force base it must be. With this many planes going over there must be none left overseas.

Turns out we are exactly in the path of the airport. I timed it. Every 40 seconds or so an airplane comes in - right over our RV. Here is a picture taken with NO zoom.

In the front of the RV if you turn the RV up really loud you can hear the TV. But in the bedroom the insulation isn't very good and I truly felt the need to duck my head. It totally sounded like the runway was right through the middle of the bed.

After getting set up, Mike took the dogs out for a hike. They found a great place and hiked for a couple hours. When they got back I noticed several black spots on Slugger's face. I asked Mike what that was and he said that the dogs stuck their heads in a bunch of bushes. Sounds plausible.

But a minute later I noticed there weren't as many spots. I called Slugger over and took a closer look to find the black spots were ticks. Mike checked the dogs out and found at least 25 ticks. Guess it wasn't such a great hike afterall.

I'm pretty sure sleep with be hard to come by tonight. Maybe I could hop next door to the airport and get those earplug things the workers wear!


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