Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Birthday

Today turned out to be a great day. It started out a little chilly (at least for me) but warmed up nicely to be a t-shirt day. It wasn't hot at all just perfectly pleasant.

As best we can tell, today is Slugger's birthday. Our sweet little baby is six! He acts much more like six months than six years. Unfortunately, we were busy with agility and he didn't get to participate today so it wasn't really that exciting of a day for him. Although we did take him out of the RV this afternoon so he could chase lizards. If we were more patient he could do that for hours! Second to swimming, I think it is his favorite activity.

Not of overshadow Slugger's day, Wazzu had quite the day herself. She was feeling good and showed it with a big smile all day. Of course, what's not to smile about when there is fresh homemade bread to eat and squirrels to watch! And of course agility to play with mom!

Wazzu went 6/6 today with many 1st's. She was a speedy and accurate girl today. And best of all, she did every run with a huge smile. I just love the days when she is happy and smiling. To top it off, Wazzu went over the 7,500 point mark in NADAC today. That's no small feat and has been a goal of ours for quite some time.

Wazzu and I have officially now reached every goal we have set for ourselves in agility. We have no more pressure on ourselves to reach any goals. We have some things we will concentrate on but truly the only thing that matters anymore is being out there together. I imagine we will accomplish some other milestones along the way but we will not set any other goals other than to just enjoy each moment together.

Sparkie had a great time today. She loves it when there are six runs a day. She went 3/6 today and got to do some bonus obstacles too! What could be better than that!

The trial this weekend is put on by a club called Cool Critters. I think they are mainly an AKC club but I don't know that for sure. I just know that the software they have has no clue how to do a NADAC trial. All the scores are incorrect - for all classes! You basically have to look at what's posted and refigure everything out manually. Wazzu and I aren't even in the correct height many times even though I try to explain it to them. They have us in 16 for the special skills classes when we should be in 20+. So I just figure out whether I Q'd or not manually.

And the PNW sure has it hands down compared to here as far as workers. They have a lot of trouble finding workers. The judge will be on the course ready and dogs will be at the line and they'll announce over the loudspeaker that the class can't start until they get workers. And they aren't just needing a leash runner or bar setter. They need timer/scribe/gate steward and more. I heard this announced numerous times and saw rings at a standstill just waiting for workers. Mike worked a lot of classes. I don't know what everyone was doing. I will say that I think there were a lot of conflicts due to the running order but nothing that we haven't seen other places.

This trial has a lot of vendors with a variety of articles. That is always nice to see. And of course, I always try to support them all. TeeHee. Oh, the lunch supplier makes the most awesome brownies. That was my lunch today - a little better for me than yesterday's Krispie Kreams. This is a great place for a trial.

Well, gotta go hug my dogs.


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