Thursday, November 30, 2006

Lizards, Lizards, Everywhere

One thing Florida isn't short on is critters.

Yesterday or the day before, I told you about all the little bugs flying inside the RV that Mike tried to vacuum up in the air. Well I had told him they had been biting me. Of course he thought I was just being silly. Then last night I began complaining about it again. He blew me off until he saw one above me and he clapped at it to kill it. When he looked at his hand to see if he got it he saw blood on his hands. Then he believed that the bugs were indeed biting me. His first comment was that he sure hoped the tick we found on me didn't have a disease as now he had my blood all over his hands! Men.

Today after the dogs got back from their morning hike, we ventured out to DeSoto National Park. The main reason for going there is it is on a beach that dogs are allowed on if they are on leash. And since it is so warm here - upper 80's today - we really wanted Slugger to have a chance to swim.

It turns out this is some really historical place. I didn't read any of the signs so I can't really tell you about the historical aspect of it. But there was a nice little trail through the "forest" along the beach. However, it took us quite a long time just to get from the parking lot to the trail as the place was just covered with lizards. I'm truly not kidding when I say everywhere you looked there was a lizard. And since lizard hunting is Slugger's favorite pastime he saw no reason to even leave the parking lot.

Finally after much pulling and tugging we got to the trail. This too was slow going as there were just hundreds of lizards. I was busy watching Slugger do his little lizard punching (just the cutest thing you've ever seen) when I noticed Wazzu suddenly perk way up at something to the right and slightly behind me. I turned to look and just about jumped out of my pants. It took me a minute or two to be able to breath normally again. There were two guys in the forest staring at me that I had not seen at all.

Oh my goodness, they looked so real. There were probably 10 or 15 places along the trail where different guys were hiding in the forest. They looked so real it was unbelievable.

Anyway, we finally found the beach. Problem was the water was only up to your ankles for probably 40-50 yards out. So even with the long line Slugger couldn't do anything but wade. Good thing Mike wore his shorts as he had to walk out quite a long way so that it was deep enough for Slugger to swim. Slugger had a great time chasing his toy - until he noticed the girls were chasing lizards.

We continued the walk and came across an area where there were really fancy homes that each had at least one fancy boat anchored near their house in a beautiful little cove.

The kids didn't want to leave but once again we were meanies and told them it was time to head home. On the way back to the car I heard a loud noise out in the water and noticed what I call an Alligator Catching Boat. I know that's really not what they are called but it seems like that's when I've seen them on TV. Oh, I know I remember seeing them on Flipper. Well here's a picture - you decide.


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