Friday, January 26, 2007


Today, like yesterday, we took a driving tour after Mike and the dogs had a nice hike. This time, however, we went in the opposite direction. Very shortly it was clear that we should have stayed in Destin rather than Navarre. Destin is the upscale area whereas Navarre is a "secret."

Anyway, there is a lot to see and a lot of beautiful water. The water here reminded us of the Caribbean and the sand was so white. The problem is, as I mentioned yesterday, they don't allow dogs on the beach at all. There were a lot of places we would have liked to stop and walk around but we passed them by.

Just as we were about to turn around and go home we saw this one beach access where we could park the car and see it while we took a short walk. Wow, what a place we happened upon. It really was beautiful and as a huge bonus we happened upon a "bird party."

When we first arrived we saw a beautiful beach. On one side of the penisula were many yachts as well as catamarans and fishing boats. There was one small fishing boat where it was obvious the person lived in the boat. I'm thinking it is a bad idea for a pack rat to live on a boat. We've never seen so much JUNK on a boat. It's amazing it could stay afloat. On the mast I noticed a cute little stuffed animal wearing goggles.

As we walked to the other side of the peninsula (only about 50 yards across) we could see the bridge we came over to get here. Notice how blue the water is.

As we were walking back toward the car we noticed all these very large bird footprints.

Then we noticed a whole bunch of birds just hanging around. There were many kinds but most were pelicans.

Suddenly a school of fish must have come by as the birds all started flying around and diving into the water. It was really quite a sight to see - and we were so close! In this picture you can see the birds flying around but notice how white the sand is on the beaches here.

This spot was so pretty. The birds were fun to watch but I think the white sand really made the water look so blue. It was a very pretty sight.

Here you can see a pelican diving down to get a fish. This particular one did make a great catch!

We were so close to the birds that we really could see everything that was going on so clearly. Both Mike and I were very excited to get to see everything so up close and personal! This one flew by so closely we thought we could reach out and touch it.

He then circled around and started to soar close to the water.

Sure enough....he came in for a landing.

Then he floated around basking in the sun.

After watching the birds, we headed back to the car. Right near the car was a fisherman. I don't know if he was actually catching anything but we noticed that he was throwing a fish to each of the two Great Blue Herons. We thought that was so nice of him. After getting closer we were really happy to see that the guy had fed them as one of them didn't have a foot. That makes it very difficult for this poor guy to get food. It's very possible that fisherman is keeping this bird alive.

This guy was standing right in front of our car. The dogs were all silent but were keeping a very close eye on this guy while he ate his fish.

On the way home we passed these two HUGE buildings that had whales, sea turtles, and other water life painted on all sides. There were signs all over the road directing you to the "Whale Wall Watching Area." Turns out we could see it much better from the road.

It was a very interesting place. It was a boat sales, storage, and service center. These buildings where huge. Each building was probably two football fields long and probably three stories tall. Inside each building were hundreds of yachts. They had them stack three tall - like the boats were on shelves. Then they had this huge machine (kind of like a fork lift) that would reach up and get the boats down.

I don't know if you've heard of the Wyland Galleries but all the statues are made by a guy named Wyland. His works are awesome and aren't cheap by any means. Anyway, according to the wall this was his doing. It must have taken forever. Next door there was the largest Wyland statue I have ever seen. Makes the one we have look very little. In most houses it would look pretty good sized.

After we got home we were ready to settle in for a nice evening. But the guys at the Naval Base had other ideas. We were hearing noises that we hadn't heard before. At one point Mike said "What is that noise?" I replied that I wasn't sure but I thought it sounded like the air brakes of a semi truck. Mike replied "No it doesn't, it sounds like a dinosaur burping." HUH?! Who has heard a dinosaur burp!!

Later in the evening Mike commented that now it sounded like there were motorcycle races going on outside our window. (How do I say this so mom won't be offended?) I replied "Oh, are you sure it isn't a dinosaur (passing gas)" Mike got all red and was laughing and laughing.

Well I hope the rest of you have better conversations than this in the evening!


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