Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's Eve

We got up early this morning to head out for another full day of agility. Once again the weather today was in the 80's but today they had a hose so we could cool our dogs down. Oh Wazzu hates that! But it does make her a little frisky.

As was the case yesterday, we spent the whole day working. Sparkie really put up a fuss today. She would stand up on her back legs to look out the of the x-pen and do her little cry. She really missed her daddy.

So when she got her chance to be out doing agility with her daddy she made the most of it! Mike tried really hard to concentrate on her runs today. And it showed as they went 5/6. The only one they missed was Tunnelers when Mike forgot the course. Too bad as they were only three tunnels from the end when Mike went the wrong way. I don't think Sparkie cared though as she got to do two extra tunnels!

Slugger had a good day too. He'd have had a better day if his mommy would have worked the stop watch correctly. Yup, bad mommy. They were trying to keep today moving along a little better so that we wouldn't finish so late. So they asked me to time the walk-thru and get people off the course after seven minutes. So at seven minutes I asked everyone to clear the course and get their dogs. And of course I stopped the watch.

Slugger was the first dog to line. When he and Mike took off for their Novice Weavers run I started the watch. Slugger ran very nicely and ran the course clean doing all the weaves correctly. What a little man! We were so proud of him as we thought this was his first Weavers Q ever. I looked down at the watch to tell the scribe his time and my stomach fell. I had forgotten to clear the watch before his run. Wouldn't you know, the only clock mess up all weekend and it was on my sweet little baby dog.

The judge decided he should run again at the end of the class. Poor Slugger. He has to concentrate so hard on the weaves. So Mike ran him again at the end but he was tired from all the thinking in the first run and he was much slower this time. So he didn't make time. Boy do I feel horrible. But on the bright side, there was a different timer for his Tunnelers run! And this time Mike didn't get lost! Slugger ran his little heart out and Q'd in Elite Tunnelers again! What a man!

Wazzu was hot, not feeling too well, and a little worn out from the stress of being left alone with the two younger dogs all day.

When I would get a few moments to come back to our tent, Wazzu would completely sack out in the cool grass. She tried really hard today and ended up 3/6. But it was just too hot for her to do Weavers. And she totally blew me off in Chances - what a little prankster she is! That's my girl.

We got done a little after 6:00 which was plenty of time to drive home before all the partiers get on the road. To our surprise, the RV park we're staying at had a firework show. We didn't know what was going on at first but we kept hearing these close booms. Finally we look outside and see a fireworks show. I grabbed the camera. But taking pictures of fireworks is hard. Especially when you don't know when it will happen. There was anywhere from one to five minutes between each firework. And they weren't long lasting ones so you had to be quick on the shutter and hope it lasted long enough that the camera would take a picture in time. I only ended up with one - and it's not very good. But for what it's worth, here it is.

I'm not sure either of us welcomed in the New Year at midnight. We captured moments on either side of it though. I think I fell asleep about 11:30pm and then woke up at 1:30am. Oh well - even though I wasn't awake, the new year seems to have arrived anyway!


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