Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I don't know about where each of you are, but we started out the new year with rain. So even though it wasn't cold at all, we had to take all our rain gear. We knew the storm was coming so we took down our tent and packed all our stuff up at the trial last night - as did everyone else.

We had another very early day as we needed to help set the courses since no one wanted to stay around to do it on New Year's Eve. Wazzu liked the weather today much better but she just wasn't in to doing agility today at all. What a difference a squirrel makes! Our last trial was a three day trial in the warmth and Wazzu went 15/15. That's because she was all motivated. After each run at that trial I let her run back to where the squirrels were. She didn't want treats or anything after her run she just wanted to watch the squirrels.

There was nothing motivating at this trial. And Wazzu told me about it. The first two runs today (Regular) she wouldn't even run so we just did a couple obstacles and left. I did get her "up" for the next run which was Chances. But it was very difficult and she didn't make the very first test which was the discrimination test. So even though she was happy we just left. She did have an awesome Jumpers run to finish the day. Mostly I was just glad to see that she was happy the last couple runs. That's as good for us as a Q these days.

Sparkie kept trying to convince Mike to spend more time with her. So when they were out doing agility together Sparkie was the picture perfect dog. She nailed every course today. Unfortunately Mike called her a little early on one course so they had a knocked bar. But other than that Sparkie was perfect. She ended up going 3/4 and beat all the other dogs by 6 -15 seconds on her runs. Her times were considerably better than the other dogs at this trial.

Fortunately, we finished at a much nicer time today - around 4:00. We were glad as we were bushed. Mike got home, fed the dogs, and he was out. But even though we were both bushed, we had a great time.


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