Saturday, March 27, 2010

Chainsaw Makes an Appearance

(Cottonwood, AZ) We were all up early today as the Earthdog test starts not too long after the sun comes up.

Masters was first and Boogie got paired up through a draw with his half sister, Jaldi, in the fourth brace. At the very beginning of the hunt, Boogie just wanted to check out Jaldi. I guess his first thoughts are always to be Mr. Studly. But after about 10 seconds he decided hunting was more fun.

Boogie did a perfect hunt up - like always. Jaldi indicated firs,t just perfectly. Boogie was looking around investigating the entire area and got two stickers in his feet. So Mike had to go over and get the stickers out and set him back down. After that Boogie went right over to the entrance and did a perfect indication! Here he is going down to indicate.

After barking a little bit he looks up to see if Mike understood what he was saying. Then he went back to work.

While Jaldi was trying to negotiate the tunnel (sadly never made it), Boogie was doing a beautiful Honor. If you look closely you can see Boogie is tethered to the ground. You can see the chain and orange flags just behind his front feet.

Then it was Boogie's turn to negotiate the tunnel. He immediately dove in, negotiated all the obstacles and turns, and got to the rats in just eight seconds.

They are allowed 90 seconds so he had plenty of time to spare. Then he had to "work" the rats for 90 seconds. He left no doubt that he was working. I think he did every thing that counts as working. He barked (a lot), dug, ate the dowels, and cried.

The problem came when it was time to open the lid and take him out. The second the lid was opened he backed up so he couldn't be reached. He's smart enough to know that when he gets taken out then the game is over. Why would he want the game to be over! So at the very end, Boogie failed. Oh well, he had a great time!

Shortly after that he got to do Senior.

Mike sets him up at the start line.

It looks as though he is right on track smelling his way to the entrance 20' away.

But at the last moment he turned and went straight to the judges who are sitting right where the rats were. Smart guy...except that's not the rules we humans made up for this game. They swooshed him away and instead of finding the correct entrance, he found the false exit and went in there. Fail.

But he was happy as he found the rats and worked them the required time. Now came the hard part that we've been having trouble with. Mike had to recall Boogie within 90 seconds. Amazingly enough, Boogie came right out and chased after Mike. Huge success. Mike picked him up and celebrated big time.

Much to Boogie's chagrin, there was now a two hour break before his next turn. Needless to say, when the time came he was ready!

Mike set him down 20' from the tunnel entrance as required.

Once again he took off like he meant business.

He ran right toward the hidden entrance.

And then he continued right on by. Oh shucks.

He went another 10 feet beyond the tunnel entrance and started doing something I'd never seen before. I also found out later the judge had never seen this before either. Boogie started trying to dig his own tunnel entrance!

He kept digging really fast and far....and time is running out as he only has 90 seconds to get in the tunnel and all the way to the rats. Look how deep he has gotten since the previous picture!

Finally he stops digging, looks around and takes off running toward the opposite side of the layout. On his way, his nose must have smelled the rat scent as he made a sudden right turn and disappeared down the hole.

Needless to say, he worked like crazy with people hearing him all over the Earthdog area. We couldn't hear most of the dogs from where we were standing - but you can always hear Boogie and his half brother, Klev'r. They leave no doubt that they've found the rats.

After the required time, the judge pulled the rats. Now we just have to get the dreaded recall. Mike waited a few seconds for Boogie to take a breath and then he called him. Boogie came peeking out....

...and just as quick he turned around to go back in. Mike yelled "stay" and to everyone's surprise Boogie stopped in his tracks allowing Mike to approach and pick him up. What a good boy! That's a pass.

When the day was done, awards were handed out. All passing dogs got a ribbon and a toy. Then a special award was given out. It was given to Chainsaw....aka Boogie. He was given a dowel that he had chewed almost in half. When it was handed to Mike he said "Boogie must have been having an off day, he usually gets them chewed completely through"....which is so true.

After everything was done, Boogie led Mike down to the river for a quick cool down. He must think he's still at the dowels as he's biting the water.

Just above where Boogie was at the river, I spotted a tree that a beaver recently chopped down. It's just amazing how strong beaver teeth can be. Hey, come to think of it, this is what most dowels look like when Boogie is done with his turn in Earthdog!

Boogie had such a fun day. And we had a good time watching Boogie have fun and seeing all the other Sunkist dogs and people. The other four dogs didn't think it was a fun day at all.


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