Friday, March 26, 2010

Mr. Popular

(Cottonwood, AZ) Thursday morning, Mike, Boogie, Sparkie, and 2iggie went to agility practice. I sure hope Boogie is making some progress - I guess we'll see next week.

Today was extremely windy but I really wanted to track with Boogie today as it will be his last chance for about 10-12 days. Mike laid two tracks then came back to the RV to get us. Boogie did great on his first two tracks each aged about 15 minutes. Mike laid the third track in a field we hadn't been in before. He noticed there were a lot of stickers in the field. So while the track was aging, we tried to put boots on Boogie to help protect his feet. I wish I would have had my video camera. At first he tried to take a few steps like a cartoon dog. Then he became super silly and was dashing this way and that as quickly as he possibly could. He looked like a tornado that couldn't figure out which way to go. So much for the boots.

So Mike had to lay yet another track, this time in the grove of trees I showed you the other day. Boogie did great even in such horrendous conditions. The things that impressed me most was that Mike accidentally put the glove at the start instead of the end. Boogie went right to the start, sniffed the glove for a bit then picked it up and handed it to me. Wow, what a good dog!

Today (Friday) Mike and Boogie did a very early and very quick agility practice. Then they went to someones house to load up all the tunnels for this weekend's Earthdog test here at the park. Then Mike went and helped dig all the trenches to put the tunnels in. This is a lot of work but this year a good number of people showed up to help so it only took a few hours.

After that, we took Boogie and 2iggie and drove to Sedona to visit some good friends. Boogie has met them before and loves going there because one of his best friends lives there. Meet Murphy. Murphy is truly the gentle giant. His paws are literally bigger than my hands and his head is much bigger than mine. But he is the most gentle happy boy you could ever meet....and a little slobbery at times.

Boogie's "best friend" weighs twice as much as me....yes me! So here is Boogie at 19 pounds playing with his friend that weighs over 150 pounds. Just a little size difference.

When these two play, everyone needs to clear out as they both go all out. 2iggie was very scared as she thought this huge "horse" was going to hurt Boogie. Of course Boogie was having a blast but 2iggie didn't seem to understand that. So she was barking her head off and lunging at poor Murphy. But if Murphy would even glance her way, 2iggie would run and hide behind Mike and bark. Don't know why she would be worried....Boogie's in there somewhere.

They started out playing inside...

But Boogie and Murphy were having a blast. Boogie would grab a whole mouthful of Murphy (all hair I'm sure) and pull with all his might, crying as he did so. I think he was crying because he was so frustrated. No matter how hard he pulled he couldn't begin to budge Murphy.

What you can't tell from my pictures is that they were playing chase around the furniture, over the furniture, and through the furniture! They were really going at it. (That's Murphy's dad, Paul, in the background.)

After much chasing and wrestling, Murphy got Boogie down. (Gosh, he looks so little!)

But isn't wasn't long before Boogie said "I can do that too!"

We decided it was definitely time to take it outside as they were getting more rambunctious all the time.

The action was non-stop. Unfortunately I was having trouble with my camera and couldn't get many pictures. And the ones I did get weren't very good. But you can still tell they were having fun and really going at it.

The scenery all around the house it absolutely gorgeous. I was having so much fun watching the boys play that I only glanced up once to get a quick picture of the red rocks that surround the house.

Just because I looked up to see the scenery didn't mean the boys were going to stop playing.

Finally after a couple hours of hard play, the boys stopped for just a second. I just love how they are looking at each other. Such friends.

I think Boogie's playmate got tuckered out. It doesn't matter where we go, all the dogs want to play with Boogie. He must have some aura about him. He is definitely the popular one.

2iggie seemed glad to leave although she made great strides while she was there with both the people and the dogs. She tried to get brave and sneak up on Murphy but he'd turn around to see her and she'd run around the hot tub with Murphy in hot pursuit. Then Boogie got jealous that Murphy had a new playmate and he barked his head off. Too funny.

When we got home Boogie insisted he wasn't tired at all. But a couple hours later he finally decided it might be fun to dream about this play date. So he got in his normal sleeping position and went off to dreamland. This is one relaxed dog.

What a fun afternoon. Amongst all the playing, Mike and I did have some time to visit with our friends. It was so very good to see them. What a great family...nice people and nice dogs.


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