Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fun and Fraud

(Cottonwood, AZ) We got up an hour earlier than yesterday so we could get out to practice agility before it got too warm. I'm thinking we're going to have to do agility in the middle of the night for Boogie to be comfortable.

Today we took Boogie, 2iggie, and Sparkie - the three energizer bunnies. Boogie really needs practice on his dogwalk contacts and his weaves at a distance. So Mike started out by putting a touch board at the bottom of the ramp and asking Boogie to touch it with his nose.

He was doing pretty well at that so it was on to the weaves. Why is practice so much different than a trial? He was a weaving maniac.

He was fast and Mike could be very far away.

He was in such a hurry to get to the next obstacle.

Then it was 2iggie's turn to give agility a try. The previous owner told us she hadn't really done too much agility and that she was afraid of tunnels. So Mike decided to start very slowly with her.

He let her loose in the agility area and she just took off, doing lap after lap around the entire area. Mike finally called her and she immediately came! A recall - yippee. Progress.

She then took off and ran full speed through a tunnel...again and again, all on her own. Hmm, I guess she's not so afraid of tunnels. Cool.

But Mike's goal for today's session was just to get her used to going through a hoop. So he stood next to a hoop and just clicked (the clicker) every time she went through the hoop. She paid nice attention to Mike and was very eager.

We did a couple tracks for Boogie at the agility place and then went to a park for the third track. The grass was a little longer and a little greener at the park but there were some dead leaves on the ground... not piles like at the previous place. But the second Boogie got to the leaves he started sneezing like crazy. I just can't imagine what it is about those leaves that causes him to sneeze so much.

From there we went to an off leash park. They had a small and large dog area. We of course went to the small dog area...Sparkie is delicate you know. We were the only ones in the small dog area so it worked out just fine.

Any time 2iggie gets in an open space she just goes....

...and goes.

Not only do her ears flap as she runs but so does her tongue.

The three dogs played together...although to me it looks like they are all going in different directions.

As always, Boogie got hot. He found the only clump of green grass in the area and laid down for a meal. He just kept grabbing mouthfuls of grass and chomped away.

When we got home I noticed I had missed a call. It turned out to be the fraud department of our credit card company. For the second time in just over a year, someone has stolen our credit card number and made fraudulent charges. How the credit card company can notice these charges and know they aren't our is amazing to us. The charges weren't large and of the three fraudulent charges this time, two were at places we have shopped. The other one was that one I can understand them picking up on as we NEVER buy coffee!

Anyway, they had to cancel our card and now we have to go through the hassle of waiting for new cards and notifying places that we charged things with just recently and filling out all the forms to state the charges aren't ours. Argg. We'd had this card such a short time that I hadn't gotten it memorized yet...good thing.

It was a beautiful day today - 77 degrees and sunny with no wind. I loved it! It's supposed to be in the upper 60's to upper 70's the rest of the time we are here. Why did I ever agree to go to the PNW so early in the year? This is a beautiful place and has great weather. But we're committed to going start warming the place up for me please!

Probably the highlight of my day was being able to take a nice little walk with Wazzu...just the two of us. She took such good care of me, walking so slowly and stopping to hunt often giving me time to rest. What a good girl. I was even just wearing a single layer! Short sleeve t-shirt!


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