Monday, March 08, 2010

The First 24 Hours

(Ft. McDowell, AZ) I forgot to show you yesterday how 2iggie meets everyone...each time she meets or person.

It became obvious to me very early this morning that 2iggie isn't on the same sleep schedule that I am. In fact, I'm sure most dogs and people in the world aren't on my schedule. Usually I finally fall asleep around 3:00 or 4:00am. Last night it was 4:00am and once I wake up I can't go back to sleep. At 5:15, 2iggie decided it was time to get up. Oh no, this is not going to work for very long. I must get more than an hour and a half of sleep a night. All the other dogs are so good - they don't stir at all until I get up....usually around 7 or 8 am.

Mike says not to worry that over time she'll get used to my schedule. Over time! I hope she figures it out by tonight!

But overall, she is doing her best to fit in. We are still in the juggling dogs between the front and the back in just the right combinations. It's very difficult and I really dislike being shut in the back all the time so I hope everyone can get this figured out soon.

Wazzu is feeling very persecuted. Even though 2iggie is a total Daddy's girl, Wazzu just isn't sure she has it in her to break in another dog. She's extremely good with 2iggie...of course. But she'd just as soon not have to share my attention with yet another dog. Wazzu never gets on the bed but last night she got right next to me on the bed. And in her usual fashion she would punch me if I wasn't petting her. But as soon as I would touch her she would push me away. Poor Wazzu is, and has always been, so conflicted when it comes to cuddling. Guess that's why she always hates it.

Boogie likes having a playmate but he is pretty put out by the fact that he isn't the center of attention anymore. He is used to being the "prince". And now there is a princess and he doesn't exactly care for that. Again, he is very good with 2iggie but when not playing he has his ears down and looks sad. There certainly is going to be a bit of an adjustment period.

Today we took Boogie tracking again but this time we had to take 2iggie with us as she screams, barks, howls, and cries when left in a crate. If Mike leaves and I'm around she carries on if in a crate. But she has no problem being in a crate if Mike is around. This is going to have to change as well.

Do you think Mike looks happy with his new dog?

After tracking practice, we took Boogie and 2iggie to an off-leash area to play. Overall they had a great time. But 2iggie is too fast! Boogie had a lot of trouble keeping up with her.

He would try taking short cuts to catch up to her.

I think the reason he had so much trouble is that he always had to carry a tennis ball in his mouth. It really amazes me how he can run full speed, carry a ball in his mouth, and bark loudly all at the same time.

Boogie does this thing where he goes grrr, grrr, grrr, with the ball in his mouth and charges at the other dog. But 2iggie is so quick that before Boogie's front feet hit the ground, 2iggie is a couple yards away.

Often Boogie would stop and chew on the tennis balls.

2iggie couldn't understand why he would want to chew on a stupid ball instead of running around playing chase.

So she'd stand there patiently and wait.

After running around a while by herself,

she decided that maybe she'd try out the running around with a tennis ball thing.

Hopefully they'll rest this evening...and sleep a long time!


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