Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hello Ohio

Today was our day to make our way to Springboro, OH to visit Mike's dad. It didn't quite start as planned. We'd been having trouble with one of our tires and had planned to have it fixed in Ohio. But it was clear this morning that we couldn't drive any further without getting it fixed.

Fortunately there was a large truck stop just down the road from our RV park. They got us in about 45 minutes after we arrived. Turned out the valve was stuck so that every time we filled up the tire it just continually leaked until there was no air pressure left. The guy had a special tool (it was the inside back tire) and was able to reach in and fix it in just a couple short minutes. The guy was really nice and didn't even charge us. How nice was that!

Even though we only had a couple hundred miles to go it took us all day as Mike was feeling very poorly and needed to rest often. But we did make it without incident.

Mike's dad and his wife (Mona) met us at their new house. They had a special hook up wired in to the house so that we could park in the driveway as there were no RV parks anywhere around here at all. Unfortunately the electrician installed it all wrong and it wouldn't work. So Mike, his dad, and Mike's dad's wife's dad (got all that!) worked and worked and got it all rewired so that it works perfectly.

While they were working on the electricity Mona and I took Sparkie and Wazzu on a short walk in the neighborhood. And get this....it snowed on us! Yes, the dogs backs were white! Fortunately it didn't stick on the ground....just on the dogs.

We fit nicely in the driveway of their new house. And since they don't live there we aren't in the way at all. The house they currently live in is only one or two minutes away so it is all very convenient.

After feeding the dogs, we left and went to the other house for dinner. We had a wonderful visit. It was so nice to see them again. We didn't stay real late as Mike felt pretty bad.

Hopefully both the weather and Mike will improve by morning.

Debbie 10/23/06

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