Sunday, October 01, 2006

Renaissance & Bugs

Sparkie crossing the beautiful pathway. Most of the trail had an arch tree covering.
Wazzu & Sparkie running back on the path after a long run.

This morning we decided to go back to the park we found last Friday. The entrance to the park shares a road with the entrance to the Renaissance Festival. I'm not sure how long the festival lasts but I do know that this is the last weekend.

When we tried to leave they had changed the road so that you could only come in - you couldn't leave as all as all lanes led in. In order to get out they had us go through the festival parking lot.

I don't really even know what a Renaissance Festival is but I'll tell you this - it is popular. I am not exaggerating at all when I say the parking area was bigger than that at Disneyland. And it was packed full of cars and RV's. There was a whole city of permanent structures that looked like castles and other old looking buildings. It was amazing - whatever is was!

When we got back to the RV there were hundreds of bugs flying around. We tried to get in without any bugs following us. But since it is warm we needed to have the door open so we just had the screen door shut. Mike had gone out to run some errands and when he got back I told him that I had spent the entire time he was gone killing bugs. He didn't believe me until he looked inside himself.

Fortunately they are just ladybugs - one of the few bugs I'm not afraid of. However, I don't want to live with hundreds of them in my house. Mike decided it would be much easier to use the vacuum. It's not too hard to vacuum up the dozens of them that are walking around. But I'm pretty sure I could have won the Funniest Videos if someone had filmed me trying to vacuum up all the ones that were flying around. Don't's hard!!

I should have thought to take a picture of all the lady bugs inside but I was much more interested in getting rid of them. I really don't mind a lady bug here or there - but hundreds are just a little much!

Debbie & ladybug friends

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