Sunday, October 22, 2006

Yahoo Wazzu, Yahoo Wazzu

I think my Mom said it best: Yahoo Wazzu in agility and Yahoo Wazzu in football.

Early this morning we got up and moved to Manhattan, IL the trial site for this weekend. It turned out to be a really odd day. Since I hadn't been out of bed all week, I wasn't up for running Wazzu in six runs so Mike started off by running her in Jumpers. Wazzu didn't want to run and no matter what Mike did she just lagged behind. Sadly she was over time.

The next run was Weavers. Of course I had to try to run her in that as this was an important run in our agility career. And although Wazzu wasn't as fast as she normally is she did make time! This gave Wazzu her Triple Superior Versatility!! In our wildest dreams we would never have put this in our list of goals when we started. But as Wazzu progessed we slowly over a long period of time added that to our goal list. I expected it to be a big moment. But we'll celebrate some other day as none of us in the family were up to it today. In The Zone did give us a very nice ribbon and Arlene Courtney was the judge so that was a nice moment.

Wazzu wouldn't even pretend to run the rest of the day. It didn't matter if I tried to run her or if Mike tried she just wouldn't runs so we E'd in almost every run as she would just walk so we'd just exit the course after a couple obstacles.

Mike isn't feeling well at all today either. He woke up with the beginnings of the flu. Ooh, nasty! So he couldn't really concentrate and his timing was way off and he sent Sparkie off course in many of her runs. But on the three runs they did connect they got three Q's - all 1st place by quite a bit.

I'm not sure what is wrong with the girls but they act like someone drugged them. Of course we didn't! Usually Sparkie whines and cries in between her turns and paces around the RV. But today she was totally sound asleep and we had to wake her up to go run. And instead of being all excited while in line she just stood still and quiet.

We know Wazzu acts differently depending on how I feel but we didn't know Sparkie did that. Actually now that I think about it, the only time Mike has been sick Sparkie laid in bed with him the entire nine days - she didn't want to eat or go out to potty. So I guess maybe she is feeling Mike's sickness.

Slugger however feels just fine. He got to run Weavers today! Problem is, he has never practiced going from a tunnel to the weaves. He has practiced tunnels and he has practiced weaves - but not together. So he had no clue how to collect himself to slow down to enter the weaves. But he did the tunnels really fast! So he passed the weaves each time. But Mike did get him back and he completed each set and did run clean - but I'm sure he was over time. Oh gosh, I never even looked. Bad mommy!

Guess it's early to bed for all of us today. In fact, I'm the only one still awake and it's not even dinner time!

So since everyone was asleep I watched the Wazzu/Oregon game on the internet. Well, not really watched the game but "refreshed" the screen every 30 seconds to see if the score changed! When the score got done changing Wazzu had won! Yahoo.

Good night. Be well.

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