Friday, October 06, 2006

I Don't Do Beetles

The dogs got one last romp in the park while I started getting the rig packed and ready for travel.

I neglected to mention that in addition to ladybugs swarming outside the rig there were also flying beetles. Fortunately, none of those managed to find their way inside.

While getting ready to go I vacuumed up the last of the ladybugs that had managed to come inside. One of the final preparations for travel was to bring in the windsocks. Shortly after that I noticed there were MANY beetles on the skylight above the shower. We keep the windsocks in the shower when we are traveling and I guess the beetles had gathered on the windsocks. So when we brought them in we inadvertently brought in LOTS of beetles. I'll tell you right now, I DON"T DO BEETLES. Much to Mike's dismay he had to keep coming back to get the many beetles I was finding. He was now sorry he had lied to me earlier in the week when he told me the beetles bite as I'm now screaming each time I see a beetle in the RV. The bigger problem is he thinks it's very funny that I'm so scared of them, so he chases me around the RV with them. NOT NICE!!

We decided we'd had enough of the NADAC balloons taking up so much space in the RV so we thought it was a good time to get rid of them. Being a guy, Mike decided to breath in the helium from each balloon - we probably have 18 or 19 ballons. Then he would talk and laugh. The dogs hated it! I've never seen such a strong reaction out of all three of them. Mike had so much fun with that he wanted to see if it would change the dogs voices. So he shot a bunch of helium into Sparkie. But no matter what he did she wouldn't bark - now that's a first. So apparently helium makes a dog unable to bark. Guess we'll be buying a lot of helium!

I tried to add pictures but no luck. Turns out this site has troubles on and off with the picture function. So I'll keep trying.......

Debbie - who hates bugs (as you may have guessed by now)

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