Friday, April 20, 2007

Funny Girl

It seemed so sad to do agility today without little Slugger. Every time we'd come back to the RV, he'd run to the door expecting it to be his turn. Poor little guy.

Wazzu continued her happy streak! In fact, she was downright silly this morning. She started out her first Regular run going so fast and was doing perfectly.....until we came to a spot where she had to pull into me to do the weaves. I gave her a very clear signal to do this. But she weighed her options and decided the A-frame looked like much more fun. So up the A-frame she went. She knew this was wrong and thought it was quite a funny trick she had pulled on me. So she got a big smile on her face and took off making up her own very creative course! At one point, she went up on the dogwalk then decided that was leading her WAY away from me. So instead of turning and coming back down the dogwalk she just jumped off the top! Oh my goodness! That's something a year old dog does - not an old dog with arthritis! As you can tell, she was one happy girl.

Her second Regular run she was going just as fast, if not faster. In this run you had to do the weaves at a distance. Wazzu was single footing it but was in a big hurry so she skipped one in the middle - she's never done that before! She zoomed through the rest of the run just perfectly. What a silly girl. Good thing there are no weaves the rest of the day!

We'd seen the Chances course twice before and both girls were each one for two. But it was set way more difficult. The judge said the pass rate on this course is only 10%. Both dogs had trouble. Wazzu wasn't quite as fast this run and took an off course and Sparkie knocked a bar. Good thing Sparkie didn't make it as Mike forgot to take her collar off which of course eliminated her. He hasn't forgotten to take her collar off in five years! Weird.

Wazzu was super fast the rest of the day and Q'd in the remaining three runs, getting two 1st's and a 2nd. The neatest thing was just prior to the last run. We were next on the line and while we were waiting for our turn, Wazzu suddenly started playing major crazy dog - on leash! Now that's a happy dog. This is only the second time in her entire life that she's played crazy dog on leash. I was on top of world seeing her so happy.

Sparkie was fast today too. I know, she's always fast. But today she was beating the times of some really great dogs. In her first Regular run, she smoked everyone - unfortunately she missed the dogwalk contact by a hair. But that didn't discourage her a bit. She came back on the second round and got 1st place. She also got a 1st in both Jumpers and Touch N Go. Unfortunately she had an off course in Hoopers and got a little scared. But she finished fast and happy.

There was supposed to be a barbeque at some peoples house tonight and they had been kind enough to invite us. But the weather today turned out to be cold and rainy all day so the event was cancelled. Instead they all decided to go out to dinner. Mike wasn't going to go since I couldn't but I finally convinced him to go without me - first time I've ever been successful in that!

The dogs and I stayed home and drank hot chocolate to try and stay warm in the cold and very rainy weather. I thought California was supposed to be warm.....and dry. I guess no place has good weather all the time.


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