Saturday, April 14, 2007

North Too Soon

Last year we headed north and arrived in southern Oregon the first weekend of April. The entire month was cold and rainy. We made a decision right then and there that we wouldn’t head north so soon the next year. Well the next year is here and this time we’re in Carson City, Nevada and it is very cold and windy! Brrrr. We sure do a lot of silly things so that we can compete in agility!

We’re at the 7th Annual Pepper Memorial Classic which is a trial that raises money for canine cancer research through the Morris Animal Foundation. To date, the Pepper Memorial Classic has raised $51,000 to fight this deadly disease that takes too many of our dear friends way too early.

As you probably know, the only thing Wazzu and I really disagree on is weather. So Wazzu is completely sky high and I am shivering to beat the band. I have so many clothes on I can barely move – just like everyone else here.

The day started off bad the second we all looked at the first course of the day. It was Chances. Originally I was excited to see that Chances would be first as that would be good for Wazzu. But the minute all the Elite handlers looked at the course we wondered why we had bothered to get up so early. In the end only two Elite dogs Q’d and only one Open dog Q’d. It was just too tough. My hats off (well, not until it gets warmer!) to those three dogs for sure!

Wazzu is feeling good and the weather certainly agrees with her. It was so fun to run her today as she was fast and spot on. She ended up with four Q’s – two Regulars (1st place), Tunnelers and Touch N Go (3rd in both). There are a bunch of really great dogs at this trial and the Elite class is very large so getting placements that high is tremendous. Even though we didn’t Q in Jumpers it is probably the run I am most proud of. This was a box course but I made an error right off the bat before the box even started. So at that point I figured I might as well try the box. And to my major amazement she did the entire box except the very last jump. It was hard as you had to go from a lead change immediately into another lead change – very difficult and almost no one did it. But Wazzu was amazing. Way to go, Wazzu!

Sparkie, as always, was eager and fast. She ran very nice today and was up against some major competition. Mike and Sparkie set out from the beginning to do the Jumpers box. They were going along perfectly and were about three quarters the way done when Mike had just a split second brain fade and forgot where to go – and that was just long enough for Sparkie to choose her own obstacle. Unfortunately, it was the wrong one. But they looked so smooth and pretty. They ended up going 3/6 and Mike was very pleased with their day.

Little Slugger got to compete in two runs today too. He is really starting to love to get turns to run. His first class of the day was Regular. He was so good…and FAST! He was scooting around the course as fast as his little oddly put together legs could take him. He looks so funny when he tries to run fast that everyone thinks he is just the cutest. Unfortunately, the distance line was just a little too far for him so Mike had to step over the line to help him. Other than that they ran clean and ended up with a 1st place five point Q. He was running so fast in Tunnelers that they had one off course at a very difficult spot. But he was happy and fast! What a little man.

After the trial was over for the day they had a potluck. After an extremely long and cold day of being outside not too many people were interested in an outdoor potluck. But we ran over to the store and grabbed some food so we could make a showing. It was a short affair as everyone was extremely cold and tired. But it was a nice time.

We spent the next few hours trying to warm up! Sparkie and I are headed for bed to get under the nice warm comforter! It’s going to be quite a race to see who can get back there and get the most covers.


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