Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Big Freedom for a Little Puppy

(Auburn, WA) After visiting with Asami for a few hours this morning, we moved to Argus Ranch in Auburn. It's so great to have some safe fenced areas for the dogs to run and play. This was Boogie's first opportunity to be free to romp.

The Travelin' Trio still aren't really giving Boogie the time of day. But that didn't stop him from enjoying his day.

Argus is always pretty, but on a sunny day it is especially beautiful. Even Boogie was enjoying the scenery.

We always enjoy it here and today was no exception. Everyone looked to be having such a relaxing and fun time.

Boogie would run around trying to get the dogs to play with him but he didn't have any luck. So after he would get about 30 yards away I would call him. He would come running back to me just as fast as possible - which was actually very fast! Here he comes....

Here he is - just as cute as can be.

Since no one would play with him he decided to at least try and act like his big sister. She of course went on her way like he didn't exist.

Mostly he just ran and ran and ran.....and looked really cute with his little tongue flopping around.

The majority of my attention went to watching Boogie run around looking so cute. Finally Slugger got my attention and said, "I can run around and look cute with my tongue flopping around too, mom." You certainly can my little Slugger Bumpkin.

Since the big dogs won't include him in their play he took some time once in a while to just sit and watch.

The girls tried to get some time away from this new puppy who has intruded so greatly on their life. They took a little time to relax and discuss the revolting situation that has developed.

Despite what the girls may say, it was a fun evening for all of us.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Boogie sure is adorable! Border Terriers are my favourite little terrier dog...something about their scruffy little faces :) Hope you and your family are all doing well and hopefully we'll manage to catch you at a NADAC trial sometimes soon!
