Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Gold Beach

(Gold Beach, OR) There's no way we could be at the beach and not get up early to go play before the agility started. So we popped up out of bed and went straight to the beach. The dogs were a little confused when we left the RV without having breakfast! But when they saw that we had driven to the beach they were really excited.

As I was hoping, it wasn't as windy in the morning as it had been yesterday afternoon. I love the beach - especially in the morning when the birds and other creatures are more active.

I must say it was a little challenging trying to walk four dogs on the beach.

Four long lines with dogs trying to go every which way just wasn't going to work. So we let the girls be off leash as we only saw three or four people as far as we could see.

We didn't have much time but we wanted to try and get the puppy a little tired so Mike decided to jog down the beach.

They thought that was fine for a while but then they wanted to play. Then Mike found a big stick - oh boy, there is nothing better than this. Boogie wasn't afraid of the water at all - he figured if Sparkie was going somewhere it must be okay.

Waves....what waves....

Slugger doesn't worry about waves either. He's scared of just about everything in the world - but not the ocean!

This huge wave overtook Slugger (you can just see him coming out the back of the wave)....

....but that doesn't matter. He is totally focused on getting his stick.

Not to be left out, Wazzu wanted to chase the stick as well.

One of the most fun things about chasing the stick is seeing who will actually end up with it at the end.

Sparkie and Boogie found their own stick.

It may be fun in the morning but Sparkie thought the water was a little cold and she was eager to get out!

Boogie is a tough little guy. He doesn't seem to care about the temperature he just wants to play and have fun!

Boogie really looks up to Sparkie and truly wants to be just like Sparkie when he grows up - which would be totally fine with us. So right now, where ever we see Sparkie we know Boogie will be near by.

That's all the time for beach fun this morning as we needed to get back in time for agility. Boogie didn't see why we had to leave - he was having a great time!

We got back just in time for the first walk-through. The first run of the day was Chances. This is the main run I cared about for Wazzu. So I got her breakfast out and showed it to her just before we ran. She took off like a shot and did the course like she knew the numbers and she didn't care that I was way far away. Yippee - we got a Chances Q! That was our highlight for the day and Wazzu for some reason decided she really wasn't all that interested in agility. Each run she got slower and slower. By the fifth run (Jumpers) she wouldn't even move. After three jumps I finally just grabbed her and started tickling her and doing play bows to her trying just to get her to be happy. I don't think it really worked. We tried Hoopers after that and she loped but we were well over time. Oh well, we got a few Q's and most importantly we were successful in Chances.

Sparkie was so happy. She'd already gotten to play on the beach and now she was getting to do agility! Wow, how fun. Little did she know she was going to get to go to the beach again later. Sparkie didn't get Chances but she got both Regular, Jumpers, and Touch N Go. She was really moving! But suddenly when it came time for Hoopers she acted so scared she wouldn't even do the second hoop. Mike did everything he could think of to make her feel happy but she was just plain scared. We have no idea what the problem was and the judges were mystified as well. So they left the course. Too weird. Some birds flew over just as she got to the start line but she hadn't paid any attention to them the rest of the day. Oh well, hopefully she'll be okay tomorrow.

We were totally done and it was only 1:00pm. That leaves a lot of time to play on the beach. We had lunch and rested for a bit then it was back to the beach. But now it was really windy. It was 64 degrees but with winds at 40 miles an hour it was chilly. In addition, it was really hard to walk!

This afternoon we went the opposite way on the beach as we did this morning. We were now going in the direction that Sparkie ran so far yesterday when we arrived. When we got a ways down the beach we found out Sparkie had been doing when she took off so fast last night. There was a dead sea lion on the beach. STINKY!!! Of course for the dogs, the stinkier the better!

To help you see how big this sea lion really is: Wazzu and Sparkie look really small in comparison.

We didn't stay long at all as we couldn't stand the smell. So we headed back. This would take quite a while as the wind was blowing so very hard. Notice how the wind was blowing Sparkie's ears straight out.

You can see here how the wind was blowing Sparkie's ear and was blowing Wazzu's hair!

While I wasn't all that fond of the wind, it didn't stop the dogs from wanting to play.

Boogie was happy to oblige.

Even though Boogie was playing I think maybe he too thought the wind was just a little much.

Here you can see how the wind was blowing so hard making the sand go right into little Boogie. But he never complained. What a tough little boy.

As we were headed back we came across a couple of our fellow agility competitors. But they weren't on the beach with their dogs. They were riding their horses they'd brought with them from Nevada.

Time to rest now so we can do it all over again tomorrow!


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