Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Dog Day of Winter

This afternoon we had a doggy fun day - since they rarely get to have any fun! Our first stop was the dogs favorite restaurant. You’ve heard about it before as we go there every time we are in Scottsdale.

Before we even turned into the parking lot the dogs were all excited as they knew exactly what was happening next. Mike took all the dogs out to the patio to wait while I ordered all the food.

They were all lying down by the doggy fire hydrant fountain waiting as patiently as they could. So many people made comments about how cute they were….of course!! Each one of them drank their smoothies like it was the best thing in the whole world. Wazzu and Sparkie had Peanut Butter Carob smoothies while Slugger and Boogie each had Banana Carob smoothies. If you give the banana one to Wazzu she won’t even take a lick. We’ve tried many times and you just can’t fool her.

The gal that was working there today just happened to be from Seattle. We struck up a conversation because I was wearing my WSU sweatshirt. She was enamored with Sparkie since she herself has a pointer at home. While we were still eating she came outside with a bowl of water for the dogs in case they were thirsty. She had put a whole bunch of ice cubes in the water. Well, this kept Boogie busy the rest of the time we were there. He loves ice cubes so he would bob for ice cubes until he got one. Then he’d take it to the side and eat the whole thing and then go back and start over. By the time he was done it looked like he had been scuba diving!

After finishing eating you are supposed to take your dishes back inside. I took our plate back in and was headed out to get the bowls when I saw Sparkie picking one up. Then I had a great idea. I asked the gal inside if Sparkie could bring all the bowls in. She couldn’t believe Sparkie would do this but she wanted to see her try.

We took Sparkie’s leash off and one by one (five bowls in total) Sparkie went outside, got a bowl, and then proceeded to take each one in and hand it to the gal. She was screaming “shut up” the entire time. She absolutely couldn’t believe that Sparkie could do this. The gal was extremely impressed that Sparkie never dropped them – Sparkie handed them directly to the gal and waited for her to take each one. Needless to say, Sparkie got a big treat for that. I was so busy making sure Sparkie was a good girl and Mike was busy holding the other three dogs so I totally forgot to get a picture of this. Darn, guess we’ll have to go back again. Yippee, say the dogs.

After that we went to visit a brand new pet store some friends of ours have opened. It’s called Travel Hounds and they carry only very high end gear for dogs that travel and/or do outdoor activities such as hiking, water sports, and dog sports…so they carry agility and flyball equipment as well.

First we took Wazzu and Slugger in. We were only there a few minutes when a guy came in the store asking if he could pet Slugger. He’d seen us from across the parking lot and just had to come see Slugger. Of course Slugger thought this was just fine. They guy was sure Slugger must be a Champion! After seeing the dogs at the show this past weekend there is no way Slugger looks even remotely like a champion. But Slugger had fun giving the guy lots of kisses.

Then we exchanged dogs and brought Boogie and Sparkie in. Definitely not the best combination in a pet store that has nummy food! Actually Boogie was investigating everything. It seems like all I did was put stuff back up on the shelves.

It was a lot of fun – but who knew pet stores could be so exhausting!

The dogs were all very happy after their big adventure. It wasn’t much exercise at all but it kept their little brains busy.


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