Monday, January 07, 2008

Mike the Terrier

It poured all night and most of the day. This was downright revolting to Sparkie. She had waited four days doing nothing while Boogie had all the fun and when it was finally her day to have fun it was too nasty to do anything. Fortunately it stopped shortly before it was time for Boogie's earthdog practice at 4:30pm.

So before earthdog practice started, Mike took Sparkie into the agility area to do a little practice. When they finished Mike let Sparkie watch the earthdog practice for a few minutes. Sparkie seemed interested in the goings on but didn’t really think it was any big deal. This is until one of the rats got loose. Then she was screaming and hollering and jumping straight up in the air as high as she could. Now she was figuring out this game was fun! Needless to say, we had to put her back in the car.

Even though Boogie hadn’t been out of the car yet he knew exactly what was going on. He was an absolute maniac. Waiting was not what he had in mind at all. So after some time we decided to get Boogie out and let him watch. Big mistake! He was impossible to hold. Dogs must either be held or be in a crate while the other dog is working. It took both of us to hold him.

They start with the Masters and Seniors and do all those dogs first. Then they do the Juniors – that’s Boogie. Finally it was Boogie’s turn. Good thing as I think he was about to hyperventilate he was so excited. I took him over to the start line and I could tell he already had the scent before I even set him down. There was no need to watch his head to make sure he was locked to the track – I could tell he was thinking of nothing else.

The one thing that I think is so interesting is that he is a wild maniac while waiting for his turn. But when I set him down at the start line he turns into a little statue and holds perfectly still while he waits for me to get his collar off. The second I take my hands off him though he is off like a shot. And today was no different.

He went into the tunnel as fast as his little legs would take him. The dogs have 30 seconds to enter the tunnel and find the rats. I’m pretty sure it didn’t take Boogie five or six seconds to find the rats. Unlike any previous time, this time he immediately started working the rats. “Working” involves barking, digging, biting, or punching the rat cage – which is on the other side of some large dowels. In Juniors the dogs have to work the rats for a full 60 seconds. The best Boogie has ever done is 20 seconds…until tonight! He worked the rats for the full 60 seconds! Yee Haw!

After each dog had a turn then we started all over. Since Boogie was so excited, Billie let us put Boogie in one of her crates in the house until his next turn came around. He was sure ready for his second turn as well. And he performed perfectly again. I think he’s got this game down now! We can't wait for his first competition!

There was just one more dog to go so Mike put Boogie back in the car and we went to help pick up when everyone was done. By now it’s dark and the last dog’s rat got out and got loose. Five of us chase it over to a bush, all the while calling the dog and pointing to where the rat is. The little dog looked around but wasn’t having any luck. Suddenly Mike noticed the rat run out of one bush and go to another bush about 10’ away. We called the dog to that bush but no luck.

So they put that dog away and got out one of the Masters dogs to find it. But once again, no luck. Just as we were about to give up, the rat ran out from under the bush and onto my boot. Eeek! Now I’m jumping around and calling the dog. But the rat went to another bush – and the dog couldn’t find it.

They then decided to bring out Klev’r (Boogie’s half brother) as he is a rat maniac! But even Klev’r couldn’t find it. Suddenly Mike sees the rat race across the yard and he chases it over to the water hoses - all the while calling Klev’r. So we’re all looking around and none of us, including the dog, could find the rat. Once again Mike goes running off chasing after the rat – how does he do that?

This time the rat had run around the side of the house and was heading for the gate. Somehow Mike blocked it from going under the gate. About this time Klev'r finally figures out what is going an and he zooms around the house to get the rat. Mike was reaching down to catch the rat and as he grabbed it the rat bit him. About that time Kelv'r sees the rat (finally!) in Mike's hand and goes to grab it. Klev'r's head hit Mike's thumb really hard but fortunately his teeth got the rat and not Mike.

I think Mike should enter the next earthdog competition - not all these dogs. He certainly got the award tonight as the best ratter. Everyone was laughing and wishing we'd had this on video. Mike's response....I am a wildlife biologist after all and have had a lot of experience with rats. So there you have it.


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