Sunday, January 20, 2008

Suit For Sale

(Ventura/Santa Paula, CA) I couldn't sleep - don't know why. That meant I was wide awake when the dogs started 4:00am. Why are people getting up so early! Fortunately none of our dogs were bothered by the barking and they slept right through it. Good thing because Boogie needs his beauty sleep!

Border terriers were first thing this morning and we were feeling really good about our chances today. Joe met us a little early and he got Boogie all in show mood. Ha ha. But Boogie was very frisky just wanted to play when he saw the other borders. One lady with a little girl puppy did let the two say hi.

So the two puppy boys went into the ring. Boogie was trotting up on his toes doing the perfect gait. He looked really good!

He stood perfectly still on the table while the judge did her thing. When it was the other puppy's turn, he was skipping and jumping...and he was choking on something. On the table he wiggled all around. Now we're pretty sure we got this point in the bag. The judge does the pointing stuff and can you believe it - she points at the scrawny little dog. Within a matter of just a couple minutes we're done for the day. Huge bummer. Even though Boogie didn’t win, he sure smells good. Every time we get him back from Joe, he smells so good. Boogie was never out of my sight so I know Joe didn’t spray him with anything. I guess Joe’s cologne must just rub off on Boogie. Boy does he smell good – and so does Boogie!!

After watching the rest of the class, our handler says he thinks this particular judge prefers the smaller dogs so MAYBE this was our problem today. Mike says he doesn’t care what anyone says - Boogie could beat up that scrawny little dog any day! But of course he wouldn't as he's a lover not a fighter. But in all seriousness, what little I know about border terriers, I think they were bred to work. I'm positive Boogie could run with the horses all day or hunt all day or whatever might be asked of a working dog. I don't think that other dog could do that at all. But that dog is a sweetie. And he has a loving home. And really that's what is important.

So before most people in the U.S. are out of their jammies, we are done with our day. Problem is, they have the RV’s so packed together in here that we can't get out until others around us leave. It looks like we could be here a long time.

But I will say, this was a very nice place for a show. Nothing was far away, as far as the show went, and it was so nice being right across the street from a very nice beach. You could easily walk to town – and it was a very nice little town. Erle Stanley Gardner’s office was even there. I’m sure you all know that he was the guy that wrote all the Perry Mason stories – my favorite all while I was growing up.

While I did some cleaning up, Mike took Wazzu and Slugger for a nice walk along the pier. When they got back then we took the other two for their walk. It was a really nice day and the pier (or boardwalk or whatever they call it) was super busy.

In addition to the many people and dogs walking, there were also many cyclists. You could rent these little cycle buggies and we saw a few of these today as well.

There were also a couple street musicians. The guy playing here took a little break so I snapped a picture of his view. Not bad, huh?

There must have been a surfing contest today as there were hundreds of surfers in the water. Here you can see a few of them paddling out to the waves.

There were tents set up where they were making all these announcements about the various surfers.

There were some good wipeouts but I didn't capture any of them with the camera.

I don't know much about style either but they all looked as though they were having a good time.

Even those on the land looked like they were having fun. Boogie thought they were scary looking so he barked at them.

Shortly after we started walking there was this large grassy area that was enclosed on three sides. As we were walking on the grass, Boogie found a tennis ball. He's never been interested in chasing stuff before today we was full of vinegar and wanted to play. We threw the ball for him and he actually tried to jump in the air and catch it! His mouth is too small so he never did catch it. But he did track it down and run around with it in his mouth, growling the whole time. Then he'd run around teasing Sparkie with it. They had a great time playing with this ball....until another lady with a little doggy came toward us. Then all Boogie wanted to do was chase this dog. He was so good with this little dog. By the time all was said and done, Boogie was hot! His little tongue was all curled up. He thought this was so much more fun than standing around looking pretty. And frankly, Mike and I agreed with him. It was so much fun watching him play.

After resting a bit he wanted to chase the ball again. He was go, go, go and then crashed and fell asleep with the ball in a matter of seconds.

This is such a pretty place to walk. But before we had gone much further, Sparkie spotted these giant squirrels. There were a lot of them and most were scurring around eating and playing chase. This one was sunning himself. With nothing next to him to give you a sense of his size - I'd say he was easily as big around as Boogie's waistline.

The squirrels were on the other side of a railing and Sparkie was beside herself wanting to get at them. At one point she had both front paws and her shoulders entirely through the fence.

Sparkie was screaming and jumping up and down and looking over the fence. Boogie couldn't figure out what was so exciting as he couldn't see over the fence.

Finally when we got to the slotted fence, Boogie spotted a squirrel. He thought these were the biggest rats he'd ever seen. He wanted to stare at them but he didn't show any interest in getting any closer.

Sparkie on the other hand was screaming bloody murder. She was doing everything she could to get through or over the fences.

This squirrel seemed to know that Sparkie didn't care one iota about the birds so he tried to sit nice and still and look like a bird.

We couldn't get her to move on.

We would have let her go down there to chase them but it was so rocky we were afraid she would hurt herself. Finally Mike decided we really did need to move along. As you can see, Sparkie just couldn't help taking a peek once in a while.

As we continued on we came to this little place in the walkway where there were water fountains shooting up from the ground. Sometimes they would shoot up very short, other times they would shoot taller, and sometimes they stopped all together. We knew Boogie was thirtsy so we went over there to see if we could get him to drink. He was such a clown. He was attacking the water shoots. It didn't matter whether they were short...

or tall...

he attacked them all.

And when they disappeard he was very mystified and would stick his nose down in the holes trying to figure out where the water went.

Then suddenly they'd shoot up and get him so he'd attack.

I think he could have played there all day. Sparkie thought it was stupid....she wanted to go back and chase squirrels. We figured we'd had enough of both activities and moved on. As we walked away from the fountain we saw this very interesting tile in the ground. I guess they do like dogs here.

As we continued on, we had a very nice relaxing walk. All for of us were enjoying the wonderful atmosphere and Mike and I were enjoying the beauty around us. Little Boogie was being so cute. And since I've had a lot of requests recently for more pictures of the little guy, here you go!

Just too cute for words!

That's my boy.

And so was our time in Ventura. Off we go to Santa Paula. We'd planned on going down to the San Diego area today but the only park that will take Slugger is full. So we're going to stay in the L.A. area this week instead, where we found a park that likes ALL our dogs.


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