Saturday, September 23, 2006


Oh, did I ever let both Wazzu and myself down. It was a long evening. It was past Wazzu's bedtime and her dinner time. She was sound asleep when I had to wake her up for her last run. It was 9:30pm. Remember we started this morning at 6:30!

I had walked the course over two hours earlier and hadn't been able to watch any dogs as there is no place I can see while laying down. And I definitely had to stay down so my legs could be ready for our run. I was worried about remembering the course.

In the warm up area, Wazzu was alert but not bouncing around as she does when she's really happy. However, when I took the leash off to start (Mike was the starter by the way) Wazzu took off at full speed. She was going like she knew the course. There were MANY off course possibilities and I was ready to handle very carefully to make sure we didn't take any of them.

She was beautiful. Even during the run I was thinking this was one of the best runs of our lives. She had no wasted steps or movements. We had finished the difficult parts of the course. Now we just had to do the last set of poles and then the rest was just a huge loop with a dogwalk contact near the end.

But instead of going to the weaves - ahead and about 20' to the right (which was where I was moving toward) Wazzu inexplicably made a hard left and went into a tunnel. I was so stunned and so disappointed. This was such a great run. And I had made the worst mistake ever. I didn't see that as a possible off course. I didn't notice during the walk-thru that a dog would ever see that tunnel....I sure didn't. Wazzu gave me everything she had. How could I not have seen that during the walk-thru. After the run some people asked how we'd done and I told them about the off course and they said "oh, a lot of dogs were doing that." Gosh darn it - had I been able to watch a few dogs I'd have seen that and known to watch for it. What a let down! If Wazzu hadn't have been working so hard for me I wouldn't have cared at all. But she was working so hard. It truly was the prettiest run we'd ever had up to that point. ARG!!! Of course, she's already forgiven me. Wish I could forgive myself as quickly as she did. I'm sure this one will take a while. What a great dog I have.

Sparkie and Mike had a rough time with this course. As I mentioned there were a lot of off course possibilities. Sparkie was trying to anticipate and Mike was not so clear and they got confused. They ended up back jumping two different times and using up a lot of time trying to get straightened out.

So this course wasn't kind to the Mason's. But both dogs were very happy and had a great time playing with their mommy and daddy - and of course getting treats at the end!

Let's see. We did get results from Round 3 for Wazzu's group (Sparkie's were reported earlier.) It's really late and we have another early day tomorrow so I just don't have the energy to figure out the PNW results. But I can tell you that Wazzu got 8th place!!!!! I thought we were a little slow in that run but we actually ended up having the 4th fastest time of all!!! But four dogs got the bonus box so that moved them ahead of us. But I'm so proud of her for having the 4th fastest time and once again earning a ribbon. I just can't believe how well she is doing with such a hugely reduced lung capacity. She does a lot of wheezing and labored breathing after the run but that doesn't stop her from giving it her all every time out.

Sparkie is giving everything she has as well. Her only problem is that she thinks she should get at least seven or eight more runs each day. I truly think she could keep up this pace for a couple weeks straight and not get tired. She is having a blast! I think she really likes the more open courses of the Championships.

Poor Mike! It's after 10:00pm and he's still working as starter. That means some dogs are still running!

Good night from three sacked out dogs and Debbie.
PS If anyone has questions about the courses or anything else please ask and I'll do my best to answer.

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