Sunday, September 24, 2006

It's All History

Gosh, it's all over for another year - the Championships have come to a close. Sparkie is extremely sad. She really loved doing such nice long flowing courses every day for five days in a row. And Wazzu was the happiest she's been in over six months. The Championships were more than we had hoped for.

I can't begin to tell you how exhausting the Championships are. I just decided that I'm not a very good reporter. There is no way to remember all the results and they weren't posted anywhere - just announced. So this will be the most incomplete results ever.

But here is what I do know as far as overall winners from the PNW. In the Elite 20+ division three of the six dogs in the finals were from the PNW. Coming in 1st was Susan Perry & Lacey, 3rd place was taken by Michael Bruce & Jule, and coming in sixth place was one of my favorite teams MIKE MASON & SPARKIE. I believe in the 20" Elite division that four teams went to the finals and two were from the PNW - Susan Perry & Harley and Bart Pierce & Pulse. Susan and Harley got 1st place and I'm sorry to say I don't know for sure if Bart & Pulse came in third or fourth. Paige Pierce & Oslo came in 1st in their division and Traci Bruchok & Kant came in 1st in their division. And Debbie Fisher & Charley came in third in their group. I sure hope I didn't forget anyone!

The PNW group was an extremely great group again this year. We all cheered for each other on every run. I can only speak for myself but every time Wazzu and I finished a run I could hear a huge roar go up. Wazzu truly loved this - as many other dogs did. In fact, Jule really played to the crowd at the end of the final run during all the cheering. While I could hear collective cheering after each of our runs I want to give a huge thank you to Debbie Pierce. Her voice rang out above everyone as she congratulated us on our runs. So while I truly do thank EVERYONE for all your support, I would like to give Debbie Pierce a very special thank you.

Oh, I almost forgot. This year many special awards were given out for overall highest scoring dog in various categories. Since Wazzu didn't compete in many of the runs she of course had no chance to win. But little Sparkie was a winner. She won Highest Overall Scoring Mixed Breed. In fact, Sparkie was the only mixed breed in the large dog Elite group to make it to the finals. Way to go Sparkie - that is quite an accomplishment.

I hope everyone has a very safe trip home. I think most everyone from our group isn't leaving until this morning as everyone is so very tired.

Well, more from us later. We have to pack up all Sparkie's ribbons and get moving on to our next destination. I'm actually not sure where that is! I know that we have to be in Minneapolis by the evening of the 27th. I think today we may be headed to the Bad Lands in South Dakota - hmm I wonder if that is right. Mike is still asleep so I'll have to make a correction later if I'm wrong.

Hope everyone is doing well. Let us hear from you when you have an inkling!
Debbie, Wazzu (7th overall), Mike, Sparkie (6th overall) & little Slugger

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