Thursday, September 21, 2006

Day 2 wrap up

We made it through Day 2. And what a great day it was.

Today runs were Weavers, Chances, Tunnelers, Touch N Go, and the first Team event.

For the first time, we didn't enter the Team events. I knew Wazzu wouldn't have the energy and I didn't want to let team members down. In addition, it's just not the same when you don't do it with friends. When Team started today I couldn't help but think of one of the best times I've ever had. Probably the greatest team of all time was the Northwest Triple Threat of 2004 which consisted of Debbie & Wazzu, Shari & Nick, and Mike & Sparkie. It doesn't get any better than that.

Both Wazzu and Sparkie had great runs today. Wazzu was so fast and happy in each run she did. We did have one interesting time in Tunnelers. I'm so worried about Wazzu's energy level that I am having her rest all day except for her runs. As you know, I really have to get Wazzu motivated to run. So I had her all revved up and ready to go. So we get to the line for our Tunnelers run and they tell me to go. So off we go. And just as Wazzu comes zooming out of the first tunnel, the dog that ran before us comes running back out on the course and starts doing tunnels. Normally, if a dog comes on to the course you have to continue on and finish the course. So I was trying to direct Wazzu while keeping an eye on the other dog so that there wouldn't be a collision. After tunnel three I hear one of the judges tell me to stop. So I called Wazzu to me but I didn't want her to think she did something wrong so we had a big celebration. The judge said I could run again immediately or wait and come back. I opted to wait two dogs - just so I could have a chance to run out of the course area and grab her a treat so celebrate. Then we rushed back and ran immediately again. Fortunately, Wazzu was still excited and ran great.

Sparkie and Mike had a great Tunnelers run. They were right up there with the very fastest dogs. However, they didn't try the box so most likely there is no chance for a ribbon. But she was great!

Fortunately, they then did the Team events which gave us a nice break so Wazzu could rest. She had a wonderful Touch N Go run and was very happy. I could tell she was a little tired but she was trying so hard. She was gritting her teeth and giving it her all.

Mike decided to try the box with Sparkie in Touch N Go. In hindsight, he decided that was a bad decision. Sparkie was going so fast. Unfortunately, most people that tried the box had an of course. Sparkie did too. We're sure she'd have been in the ribbons if they hadn't tried the box since most people were messing up.

They haven't handed out ribbons for today's runs nor yesterday's Jumpers runs. But they did post the Weavers scores for today and amazing Sparkie got 7th place. Her time was faster than some of those ahead of her but they did the box. To place in Weavers with this caliber of competition is totally awesome!! Mike and Sparkie are really running so well together. They could have more ribbons but Mike is really trying to use this as practice for some of the more difficult box challenges just to see what they can and can't do.

All day they ran small to tall until the last run of the day and for some reason they switched to tall to small. That was great for us. We were dogs five and ten so we got to finish about two hours earlier than if they had stayed at small to tall. It was so nice to get back to the RV and get hunkered down for the evening as it is really cold, rainy, and windy. People keep asking if it's snowing yet - that's how cold it is here!

Now we just have to rest well and get ready for the real competition as Regular starts tomorrow. We need to find our jet propelled shoes and an oxygen tank and we'll be all ready for tomorrow.

Debbie, Mike, Wazzu, Sparkie, and a very ignored Slugger

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