Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Old Times

(Woodinville, WA) This morning we were informed that Wazzu's Valley Fever titer came back at 1:4. That's good as the lower the number the better. We'd been at 1:4 before but it had gone up to 1:8 on her last titer. Of course we're really glad that it went down this time instead of up. It's nice to have a little bit of good news in the midst of all the other things going on with her right now.

Then it was off to do a few errands and have a little fun. We went to Issaquah - our old stomping grounds. After doing a couple errands (including a much needed haircut for me) we went to Tiger Mountain to take a nice little hike on some flat trails. Unfortuantely the road leading up to the trails was closed. There were lots of cars parked at the bottom but it's quite a long and steep road up to the trails so that sealed the deal for us. No hike today. Big bummer.

So we went to one of our favorite restaraunts in Issaquah and got take out from which we ate in the car with Wazzu and Sparkie. They thought that was really fun.

Since we couldn't hike, we went to the off-leash dog park at Marymoor Park. We've seen a lot of dog parks around the country but there are none that even come close to Marymoor. This park is over 40 acres and is situated on the very slow moving Sammamish River. In fact, you can't even see any movement of the water. There are many trails, huge open fields for ball throwing, treed areas for shade, gathering areas,a doggy and human food/drink vendor, a doggy bath area and much much more.

When we lived here, we used to go to Marymoor four or five times a week. We started going there when we had only Wazzu and continued on for many years after that. It was a great time each and every time we went. The memories are numerous and great.

Today was nice but oh so different. The girls are now much more mature. It used to be that every time we went, Sparkie would start screaming and barking about four miles before we got to the park. Today she didn't start all the commotion until about a half mile before we arrived. But as usual they were very excited to get out of the car and into the park.

Both dogs were very well behaved (as always) but didn't really care to interact with the other dogs - which is totally fine with us. But they didn't really even do much running. They just kind of sauntered around together enjoying both the outdoors and being together. They truly are good pals.

There are numerous benches around the park where you can sit and watch your dogs play. When Slugger was just a baby this park was just way too big for him. By the time we'd get to the first bench (which is not even a tenth of the way into the park) he'd be tuckered. So I'd sit on the bench and he'd jump up on the bench and lay with his head in my lap while we'd watch the girls play. Even as time went on and he got stronger he'd still want to jump up on that bench and either rest or kiss anyone that may be sitting on the bench. Since Slugger couldn't come with us today we had Sparkie sit on the bench for a second in honor of little Slugger.

There are six different swimming spots along the river that span hundreds of feet. So if one is a little busy you can just continue on to the next one. Here Sparkie is casually checking out the first swimming hole - mostly she is trying to see if any of the people may have treats they don't need.

Both girls did a little bit of swimming but since it wasn't very warm out they weren't interested in staying in for more than just a few minutes.

You'll notice Wazzu is on her way out yet already has a ball in her mouth. She doesn't really care to chase balls out into the water but she likes taking her ball out into the water with her. A little backward compared to most dogs but that's my girl.

Wazzu loves carrying her ball around the park - always has. And we actually like her to do so as she tends to be the fun patrol. If she thinks dogs are getting a little too rowdy she'll go over to let them know to be polite. I think she seems a little less threatening if she has the ball in her mouth. Who knows what the other dogs really think though!

It was a bit of a rough trip for me. While there were SO many great memories there it also reminded me of the many many many trips I had made there with the dogs on my own. So today's trip there just reminded me of how I have lost such a great deal of my independence. I used to really love the long outings Wazzu and I would have there together. It was a very special time for the two of us. I used to take all three dogs there toether as well for nice outings together. But no more........

Wazzu's so happy and up on her toes that even her floppy ear is almost up!


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