Saturday, June 30, 2007

Ups and Downs

(Woodinville, WA) I was the down. The Lacey trial was just too much for my body and I haven't been out of bed all week. I'm really tired of lying down and I'm really tired of daytime TV! Hurry up and get well body!

But the dogs had some ups! Wazzu had a chiropractor appointment this week and we got good news. The adjustments she's been getting are holding. She has much less pain in her mid-back. Unfortunately she's developed a mild compression in the sacral area but overall her back is feeling much better. Yippee for Wazzu!

Slugger had his eight-week check-up after his ACL surgery. Hip hip hooray - Slugger got his Romping Papers! He still has to work up slowly but he can now take short walks and best of all he's allowed to jump on the couch! That makes life so much easier. So the best news is that the surgery went well and we kept him still enough that the leg is healing well. Major thanks to Karen and Mega-Dogs! The swimming is what helped him heal so well. If you ever need to do rehab on your dog be sure to check out the pool at Mega-Dogs. It will make all the difference!

Poor Mike is working so hard to take care of all of us. He's waiting on all of us hand and foot, day and night. Fortunately he was able to take a little bike ride one afternoon to renew his energy and get a little break from taking care of all of us.

Here's to good health for all. And remember, no matter what your condition, you have many things to be thankful for.


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