Monday, June 04, 2007


Wazzu has only slept on the bed during one period of her entire life - that was when she was recovering from her lung surgery. So it seemed extremely odd to me when she slept on the bed all night.

As Wazzu was lying on the bed this morning, Mike very carefully slid a hand under her shoulder and under her hip and proceeded to slide her over just about six inches. She screamed so loud! It really scared us.

I take no chances with Wazzu due to her Valley Fever so I decided I needed to get her to the vet right away. I really wanted to take her to our favorite chiropractor but unfortunately she moved and instead of being three hours away she is about 15 hours away up in Canada. So this just wasn't possible.

I didn't really want to take her to a regular vet as they usually just tell us to go home and rest the dog for two weeks and if they aren't better by then to come back. I can do that without paying a vet to tell me that! After thinking a little bit in dawned on me that we know a vet that does agility with her dogs too, so I figured she'd be better able to help than the average vet.

They were so nice to fit us in today even though they were very busy. We really appreciated that. Wazzu was none to happy when she realized we were at a vet office as her experiences there recently haven't been pleasant at all. But the vet was extremely nice to Wazzu and gave her lots of treats so all was going well. Next they took some blood for Wazzu's bi-monthly blood test and titer test.

Wazzu has to get Adequan shots in her muscle to help with her arthritis so I've been doing that myself. But I'm always worried each time I do it that I'll do it wrong. So I brought along the Adequan and the syringe and needle. I thought I'd have the vet watch me just to make sure I was doing it correctly. So I got everything out and ready to go. But I couldn't get the cap off the needle. I pulled and pulled and suddenly it came off and the needle jabbed into my finger about down to the bone! Now it's bleeding and I'm feeling so embarrassed. They're running around trying to find gauze and a bandage. Oh brother. Now the needle is contaminated and of course I can't use it for Wazzu. Gads! And of course I didn't bring another needle.

But they were very nice and brought me another needle - and as you might imagine they took the needle cover off for me. This time it all went fine. I think I'll feel more at ease with all her future injections.

After all was said and done it was decided that they couldn't really find the source of her problem and they thought we should see a chiropractor. What a great idea....wish I'd have thought of that! Ha-ha. So they gave me the name and phone number of a good place to go. I called to make an appointment but they couldn't get us in for a couple weeks. But the other vet there had just happened to have a cancellation just moments ago for an appointment first thing tomorrow morning. What luck!

Here's good luck to all of you too!


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