Sunday, June 03, 2007


This weekend's trial was put on by the Zooming Agility Pups - aka ZAP. It was a nice trial on a hot weekend. I'm not really sure which Wazzu hates more - hot weather or getting sprayed down with the hose to cool her off.

The first run of the weekend was Weavers and went pretty much according to par. Wazzu, although very happy, was a few seconds over time and Sparkie was well under time.

From there we moved on to our first Regular run. Wazzu was very happy but had a tiny bit of trouble but Sparkie was true to form and had a fabulous run coming in first place in an excellent field of dogs.

There were two Chances runs schedule for today so I was optimistic that we'd make some progress toward our goal. But as soon as I saw the course I knew there was no chance. However I didn't realize how hard it was going to be for everyone else. Only four dogs, out of a large and talented group of dogs, Q'd. One of those very talented dogs that was successful was Sparkie! Way to go - that was tough!

The next Chances round wasn't as difficult but at first glance I knew it was too hard for us. And sure enough, it proved to be a little beyond our skill level but Wazzu had fun anyway. It definitely was doable for Sparkie but just before the run started Sparkie's IBD (intestinal bowel disease) flared up and she just couldn't run right the rest of the day as she was in too much pain.

Wazzu was able to put together a nice run (even though her weaves were a bit slow)for her second Regular run and earned her only Q of the day. The last run for Saturday was another Weavers run. It's really unusual to have a day with five runs utilizing the weaves but that's what happened today. The last weavers run started with tunnel, weaves. Wazzu did the tunnel really fast but when she saw the weaves she totally stopped in her tracks, put her head way down, and slunk toward the ground. I have never seen any dog react this way to the weaves. This to me was as clear a sign a dog could give that they didn't want to weave. So I decided that we'd just skip all the weaves and just do the tunnels so we could end the day on a fun note. Wazzu liked that idea and ran really fast and happy.

In the evening they had a nice potluck dinner so Mike made some really good cookies and off we went. It was a nice but short evening as we were all tired and needed to get a good night's sleep to be ready for another day of fun with our dogs.

Today was another scorcher - which meant I was nice and comfortable! Sparkie was feeling all better this morning - what a relief. Today there would only be two runs with weaves so that meant today should be better for Wazzu too. And what a difference a day makes - although it didn't start off very well.

In the first run of the day, a Regular run, Wazzu seemed to be doing fine until mid-way through when she uncharacteristically knocked a bar. Since we hadn't come to the weaves yet I decided to skip the rest of the course so she wouldn't have to do the weaves due to her reaction to them late yesterday afternoon. Sparkie was back in fine form now that her tummy troubles were over and she turned in a very nice run.

The second Regular run started with jump, weaves. Wazzu did the weaves in a record breaking slow speed of 12 full seconds! I've never seen a dog walk so slow and deliberate through the weaves. But due to Wazzu's unusual reaction to the weaves yesterday I wasn't going to try and rush her. The second she finished the weaves she took off like a shot and still finished the course well under course time. Sparkie made the course look so easy and she had a great time barking all the while.

Wazzu easily Q'd in both Jumpers runs making it look very easy. One of the runs had a few too many sharp turns for Sparkie's liking so she managed to Q in one of the two runs.

All that left was a fun Touch N Go course and an even more fun Tunnelers run. Both girls had a great time and Q'd in both runs. So after a tough Saturday for both the girls they each went 5/6 today.

Overall, we had a great weekend with our dogs and with our friends. It was the first time in a very long time that Shari, Pat, and I got to be together at a trial. You know how I sometimes call our three dogs the Three Mutt-keteers. Well I think Shari, Pat, and I were the Three Musketeers this weekend as we had a great time together.

As soon as the trial was over we rushed back to Woodinville as poor Slugger had been left alone pretty much the whole weekend. He was very excited when we got back and Mike took him for a nice swim. Finally some attention for a very patient sweet little boy.

Now it's time to let Wazzu rest as it was really hot for her this weekend. Sparkie even acted hot although certainly not tired!


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