Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Big Scare

(San Clemente, CA) Another boring rainy day. This rain is tough on us as Boogie isn't supposed to get wet - so pottying is really hard. So I spent all morning calling about 20 stores (up to 75 miles away) trying to find a certain coat that we really like that we have them for all the other dogs. But, get this, spring fashions are arriving so they don't have the coats right now.

By early afternoon we decided we really needed to buy him some kind of coat until we can find the one we really want. So we decided to run down to PetSmart and just buy something cheap. On the way to the car we gave Boogie a chance to potty. We got in the car and he raced into his crate like usual.

We hadn't been on the road more than a minute when I glanced in his crate only to see him lying there holding his leg up and looking very very sad. For such a tough little boy he sure was pitiful looking. Oh no! What could have happened?! He was fine just a minute ago. But he was definitely not fine now. I took him out of his crate but he wouldn't put any weight on his leg - in fact he wouldn't touch it to the ground at all.

I couldn't imagine what had happened as he was fine and then suddenly he was not. Oh no, he has two really big shows coming up and now he is lame. We were at PetSmart by now so we decided to take him in as there is a lot of rain in the forecast so he really needs a coat.

I think we must have tried on 30 coats - which is very hard with a super wiggly puppy. None of them fit and most of them weren't even water resistant. They were these frilly little foofy coats. This trip had not worked out at all!

We still had no coat but we had a lame puppy. When we got back to the RV over an hour later he was still holding his foot up. We had him lie down to take a nap right away. When he woke up a couple hours later he was fine. Our best guess is that when he went out for his potty walk he stepped on some sort of stinging plant. What a scare that was. I am so glad that he's my happy little puppy again.


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