Saturday, February 23, 2008

Good, Bad, and Ugly

(Oceanside/Del Mar, CA) Boogie must have known this was a big day as even though we had to get up very early he woke us up even earlier. He never does this.

We left the big dogs at home and off we went to the show at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. We got to the parking lot and they said we had to pay to park. We're used to parking free at all the agility events so we're still not used to this paying stuff. Mike asked the lady how much she wanted and she said: $9. Mike, in his usual sense of humor, says: That's more than I'm paying for my motel. (The lady didn't laugh.) So he hands the lady some money and starts to drive off. The lady starts screaming asking him if he wants his change. Here he is complaining about the price but forgets to get his change from a $20. Too funny.

Conformation was first and we had no trouble finding our handler. In Boogie's little puppy class there were four dogs. Boogie acted just perfectly but came in second place. This meant we were done for the day and had no chance for points. As our handler came out of the ring he told me that he had to run but I should stick around as Boogie may need to go back in if this or that happens. WHAT?!

Then before I had a chance to ask any questions, this lady comes up to our handler and really lays into him saying that there is no way we'll win with him groomed the way he is and that he should go fix this dog up. Joe (our handler) immediately says that he didn't groom him but that this other guy (standing right next to us) did all the grooming. So the lady turns and tells our groomer that this dog needs to be fixed up. He starts going into excuses saying he's only had a month to work on this dog. The lady tells him it will only take a couple minutes to get this dog looking at least a little bit better.

By then my handler said he had to go and before I could ask any questions, he was off. So not only do I not know any particulars about when Boogie may have to go in, I now find out that Boogie really isn't groomed we suspected.

So I turned to our groomer and asked if he would fix Boogie up. He said as soon as he was done in the ring he'd do it. So we stuck around.

We had planned to stick around anyway as we wanted to stay and root for Boogie's cousin. I had no idea why or when Boogie may have to go back in and wasn't expecting it to happen. Pretty soon a bunch of dogs go back into the ring and after a few seconds I realize the steward is calling for number 17. At first it didn't mean a thing. But after she called it a few more times I realized that was Boogie's number. OH SHOOT! We're supposed to be in the ring. I'm not dressed nor prepared for that so I start frantically asking people standing around if they'll take Boogie in. Of course they all say "no."

So I start taking off my coat, treat bag, phone, etc and go to put my number on but I didn't have a rubber band. So I rush up and get a rubber band...all the while all the other dogs are in the ring getting judged. Just as I am about to rush in the ring, this guy with a suit on comes up and asks if I'd like him to take Boogie in the ring. YES! I shove my number in his left hand and shove Boogie's leash in his right hand. Off he goes. But by the time he gets in the ring the judge points to the winners. Darn, we were too late.

But from what I know (which isn't much), I think that was for Reserve Winner so we wouldn't have gotten any points anyway.

Now we have Boogie back and our groomer is out of the ring so we kind of hang around out of the way waiting for our groomer to be done. But he hangs around talking and talking and talking. Finally we decide to go over and hang out closer so that he'll remember we're there.

He sees us and makes eye contact so we ask if he can do Boogie now. Suddenly he says he doesn't have the tools so he can't do it today. He says to meet us just before time to show tomorrow morning and he'll do it then. Any of you want to place any bets?

Okay, no more time to worry about that now as we have to get ready for Rally. Boogie is full of the wiggles and can't pay attention to anything but cleaning the grounds of everything on the ground.

So while Mike went to exercise Boogie, I went back to the car to give my legs a break. Mike ended up walking Boogie down to the beach (not in the water of course!) where he got to run around and play with some other dogs. Hopefully this will have taken the edge off him!

We then meet at the Rally ring and Boogie, while not quite so wiggly, is still being the street sweeper. So I started doing a lot of Rally work with him, treating him really often just to keep his nose off the ground! I'm looking around and notice that all the other dogs are just standing around waiting and Boogie is sniffing everywhere! Even the Beagle was standing patiently just looking around. I'm starting to wonder if this is such a good idea.

But I had anticipated this little problem so I brought along Boogie's favorite little toy. I had him do just a couple exercises and then I'd pull out the toy. Let's hope this helps.

Finally it's time for me to walk the course. While walking the course I am not only trying to learn the route and the exercises but I'm looking on the ground for anything that might distract Boogie. Right in front of one station I see some kind of treat that has been smashed on the ground. So I take my foot and try to do my best to remove as much of the treat as possible...of course I'll never get the smell of the treat away! As I continue on, I find a bright pink price sticker stuck to the ground in front of the next station. Man, that was hard to get off - but I know Boogie would have tried to investigate that!

Shortly it was our turn to go in. I'm trying so hard to think of everything and do it just right. We walk in the ring and head toward the start line. Boogie is already sniffing everywhere. So I put my hand under his chest and line him up. WRONG!! The judge comes racing toward me and says you aren't allowed to pick your dog up. (I didn't consider this picking up.) But he explained that I couldn't do that. I thought he was going to excuse me from the ring. I pleaded ignorance...which was totally true. I had no idea I couldn't do that. I thought judging didn't start until the judge says Forward. Anyway, I asked him if I could please start over and fortunately he said yes. Phew.

So this time I get Boogie lined up with no touching! Off we go. Wow, he's actually paying attention. He got distracted a few times but didn't do any huge sniffing. When he did start to sniff I was able to get his attention back by making a weird noise. We're going along great when all of a sudden he stops in his tracks and sits down to itch! Oh no. I had no idea what to do. So I stopped and waiting for him to be done and continued on. Then as we approach the next station I see a big 3" x 3" square bandage on the ground that had obviously fallen off the person that went before me. I immediately knew this wouldn't be good.

I was right. Boogie stopped to pick up the bandage. I said Leave It but this was just too good. So I had to pull him a little (a no no - but I really had no choice). Fortunately as I pulled him he dropped the bandage. We continued on and finished the course very nicely.

I was super pleased with how well he did. I knew we weren't perfect but I was sure we'd scored in the 90's (out of 100). But when Mike saw me, he said I didn't execute one of the stations correctly! I have worked so hard on that exercise and was concentrating so hard during that exercise. I just couldn't believe that I had messed up.

So after everyone was done I went to talk with the judge. He got out the score sheet and went over it with me. Sure enough we had a 10 point deduction because I had executed the exercise incorrectly. Guess I'll have to practice counting to three some more! We also got deductions for chewing the bandage (an unfair distraction if you ask me!) and because my leash got tight when he stopped to itch and for a (very) crooked sit. So in the end it was -12 for Debbie and -4 for Boogie. Guess I'm the one that needs to practice more! If it wasn't for MY errors, Boogie would have had first place. I just can't tell you how proud I am of my little puppy.

By the way, I was nice and went to the steward right after our turn and had them remove the bandage from the course so that the other dogs wouldn't have that unfair distraction.

But the big thing was that we qualified! Yippee! Way to go Boogie! Good job! And to top it off, one of the gals from our class came with her dog to root us on. How nice was that! That was special for both of us - Boogie really loves her dog so I think that helped him relax a bit.

Now time to get home to the big dogs. It's been a long day already and Boogie should be one tuckered puppy as he has been awake and busy at the show for six straight hours.

Now we have to regroup and get ready to do this all over again tomorrow!


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