Sunday, February 17, 2008

It's a NATCH!!

(Ramona/San Clemente, CA) This is our last day here in Ramona - one of our very favorite agility spots. The arena here is really nice and spacious.

And there is a lot of great crating space where you can see all the action...especially from our front row "seat." Good boy, Slugger!

The dogs were extremely happy again this morning. We'd really like to trial here all year round as all three dogs did great here. And they kept up the streak here again today.

Sparkie's first Regular run this morning was picture perfect. In fact, she couldn't have had a nicer run for her NATCH-11. NADAC presented Mike with a nice NATCH pin and Sparkie got her normal stick of cheese so they were both very happy.

But what Sparkie was really looking forward to was her run in the hills. Mike lets her off leash just a little ways outside the arena and off she goes completely out of sight.

She comes back all out of breath but with a huge smile on her face. But she is so anxious for her next turn that she lies in the ex-pen and whines. It was only a matter of minutes until her next run. Once again she ran a perfect Regular run and as with all her Regular runs this weekend, she came in 1st place.

But Sparkie wasn't the only one in the family that showed her stuff. Wazzu was perfect in both her Regular runs and Slugger was perfect in his Regular run as well.

During a short break when none of our dogs were running we took Boogie out to the outdoor arena.

It was a great place for dogs to play off leash. There was a lot of frisbee playing and ball throwing done here everyday by many dogs. Another great benefit of this place. We used it to wear Boogie out. Mike would stand at the far end and I'd stand on the near end. Then we'd call Boogie back and forth. He would run just as fast as his little legs would take him. We had him go back and forth about 30 times. He never lost an ounce of enthusiasm.

The big dogs didn't run out of enthusiasm as the day went on either. They continued on their winning ways. All three Q'd in both Jumpers and Touch N Go. Today was Slugger's first time in Open Touch N Go and he was 15 seconds under course time. Way to go Bumpkin!

The only flaw in our perfect day was Chances. It looked like an easy course. But looks can be deceiving I guess as the overall Q rate for the entire class was very low. I still don't understand why. Wazzu did her usual. She was to switch away from a tunnel to a distant jump. She started to the tunnel. I told her to stop and told her out jump. She started to come back to the original jump. NO! She again tried to go to the tunnel. NO! She looked all around and then said, oh forget it and just ran out and did the tunnel. Oh well - she does this all the time. Silly girl.

Sparkie is really good at switches. But for some reason she turned the wrong way and while Mike was trying to get her turned around she back jumped. So many dogs did that. I don't know why. Weird.

Other than Chances, we had a perfect day! The dogs were so happy until they saw us packing up to go. They were visibly sad. They really loved it here - we all did.

A couple last pictures to show you the area. The dirt you see here is where the house used to be before the fire. The arena you see is where we did the agility.

Here you can see where our RV is parked - if you look carefully. To the left of the dirt arena you see here is the arena where we did agility.

The main road back was still closed so we had to take the alternate route. But we made it with no problem.

Another great weekend....but we sure have sad (but tired) doggies. But we all know: A tired dog is a good dog! So we have four GOOD dogs.


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